ALBANIA - Humor & Bewegendes

Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~


Den mal zwischendurch...

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Hahahahahaha...........Kätzchen....wie süß!

Oh Mann! Hab mich köstlich amüsiert. Einiges kommt mir sehr bekannt vor. Die "Wurf-Katze" ist der Oberhammer.
