ALBANIA - Humor & Bewegendes

Süße Tierchen

Süße Tierchen

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

 Nein wie niedlich...und was für Öhrchen!

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Let's be

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~

Re: Süße Tierchen

da sind wirklich süsse bilder dabei...


Re: Süße Tierchen

Ach gott die sind ja zum knuddeln Süß :)

Re: Süße Tierchen

Och die sind ja total süss!!

Re: Süße Tierchen

Next time the devil tells you "You're stupid" say "No, you're stupid - ...I'm going to heaven, you ain't getting in".
~Joyce Meyer~