Warning! Warning! Warning!
This is a serious Warning, if you want to migrate to Uruguay! While you made your Decision to change the Place of Life and request for your Documents , which are needed to migrate to Uruguay , you can be a Victim of Corruption of the Immigration Administracion. All your presented Documents will be copied and outhandeled to criminals, which make contact with you , to **** all your Money from you. So this happened to a Friend of my. The Vriminals have contact to Administratives with high influence and access tobthe Immigrants Data. Once the Criminal contacted you, it can happen everywhere, because they know where you live , they will " help you" ( get rid of your Money) . They are very clever and follow you untill you are ruinated! Sure you want to buy a House, and for sure you as a foreigner have to pay 3 x more Money for the same House, like an Uruguayan! The Criminals are Masons, and will serve you with Realestate Agents, Architects, Construction Professionals, which bend you over! At least if you try to fight them , you will get lectured! They stick together against foreigners and desocialize yourself, so that you will be at least alone! Nobody will testify against his Neighbour and at least you can get crazy ! **** Uruguay! This Nation is full of evil jobless Abuser, waiting for a foreign Victim to bend over!