Das Schoene an diesen schweren Zeiten...
...ist, dass die Leute ploetzlich die schoene franzoesische Sprache wiederentdecken. Zum Beispiel erhielt ich heute folgende Email:
greetings. i just want to congratulate everyone who participated in the london march on the 12th of april. i myself am in the US, and we brought our voices to the steps of halliburton, fox news and washington post (propagandists extraordinaires). quite oddly though i've heard more from the london protests than the one we conducted under heavy police surveillance on the steps of the very selective news agencies here in this "proud" nation's capital.
it is clear that the weight of propaganda has rarely been felt with such intensity. and yet for those of us who opposed the war for ideological reasons, we must still oppose it, and tear the pages from our children's history books, to replace them with pictures of what it really was.
bush's brain: on the left side nothing is right, on the right side nothing is left.
fuck war, que tous ces dirigeants malhonnetes aillent se faire mettre, si je les tenais je les tuerais de ma propre main et de sang froid. encules.
i am done with my letting it out process, free iraq, free palestine, free the world and the american mind