Baltic young scientific students

Information from our partner the TakingITGlobal Research

Information from our partner the TakingITGlobal Research

Dear Benjamin,

Are you an Indigenous young person or do you have experience working in an Indigenous community? Do you feel there is need for young Indigenous people to connect with one another and be more informed about issues and events that relate to them?

TakingITGlobal is conducting a survey to better understand the impact of our online community and how it relates to our Indigenous members. We will use this information to help us to better understand if and how TakingITGlobal can help create a place for Indigenous young people to connect and learn about opportunities specifically relevant for them.

This survey is meant to help Indigenous young people express how they feel about the creation of an International Indigenous Youth Network. However, if you are not Indigenous but feel you can contribute to this survey, please feel free to participate! Those who fill out the survey will be eligible to win a prize (including a TIG T-shirt, mousepad, a mug, as well as postcards and bookmarks). The deadline for the survey is November 7th and only those who meet the deadline will be eligible for the prize.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this survey. We look forward to reviewing your responses.

You may complete the survey at:


Melina & Genie

Melina Laboucan-Massimo
Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator
The TakingITGlobal Research Team

Eugenia Flynn
National Indigenous Youth Movement of Australia