Offener Brief der BiGKU an IBERDROLA
Nachfolgender Brief der BiGKU wurde an IBERDROLA und zur Information auch an die United Nations Global Compact Initiative "Caring for Climate" ( gesendet:
Dear gentlepersons,
we are quite astonished about your press release from 19/09/2008: IBERDROLA joins the Caring for climate platform, supported by the United Nations (
How IBERDROLA can on one hand commit to reduce their CO2 emissions in its activities while it on the other hand plans a multi-billion investment in a new hard-coal fired power plant in Germany? This 1800 MW coal plant, planned in joint venture with Südweststrom in Brunsbüttel, will be the largest hard-coal fired power plant in Germany without a combined heat and power cycle. Consequence of which are 10 million tons of CO2 emissions per year while more of the half of the generated heat is wasted in the river Elbe where it generates additional environmental problems. In other words: each second coal ship carrying the coal from afar to Brunsbüttel, comes only to heat up the river Elbe. And that even though all environmental organizations demand combined heat and power cycle for new fossil power plants. But for that, the site Brunsbüttel was the wrong decision because of missing heat customers there.
If IBERDROLA takes his environmental commitments seriously, IBERDROLA can not invest at the same time in such a climate unfriendly coal plant with an operation period of 40-50 years. The participation of IBERDROLA in this project has environmental, economical and political consequences beyond of a reasonable decision.
Best regards,
Dr. Arne Firjahn.
Bürgerinitiative für Gesundheit und Klimaschutz Unterelbe