Blue Dragons - Recruiting Area

Would like to be considered for Blue Dragons

Would like to be considered for Blue Dragons

Greetings honorable members of Blue Dragons. I hereby aply to Blue Dragons, ans swear to put all my might in for the guild if i am accepted!

ingame name:Belegorn
current level:20
current class:Knight
class aimed at:Paladin
current weapon:Bastard sword, soon dual sabers

est. number of hours online per week:25-30+
what do I like best about LII:The guild system, sieges and the total layout of the grafics. Especially the weapons and armor. And the fact that if you try, you can help others in a big variety of ways.
what do you hate most about LII:PKs and those who scam other players.

why do you apply to BD?I wanted to join a honorable guild, with the right values and the right code.
how have you heard of BD?I had some dealings with a member in game for a short while. He acted verry honorably and pro.

Re: Would like to be considered for Blue Dragons

Hello there,

Thank you for your interest in Blue Dragons :)
I believe recruitment has a minimum requirement of level 40+, thus you may want to keep in touch with us while keeping on levelling up till you match this requirement, or contact any of the leaders in game for more informations.
