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Reimstunde !!

Re: Reimstunde !!

Und wieder ein kreativer Erguss from se Donicer (gezwungenermaßen wg Englisch HA und so):

Enjoy Winter’s Day

The snow mud is dirty, it’s cold and it’s wet.
You have to get earlier out of your bed.
Winter is darkness with black ice and fog.
The cars must drive slowly and so they cause smog.

Is that the meaning of winter for you?
Read this and change your wrong point of view:

White whirling snowflakes they come down to earth,
They dance in the air, they are winter’s birth.
Every tree with a cap, the ground is all white.
When children see this they’re full of delight.

„Go down in the cellar,“ says Jimmy to Ray,
„Look for my ice-skates and you take your sleigh.
Mommy and Daddy want to walk for a while.“
Because they like snow, they walk mile for mile.

Back home at the chimney they light up a flame.
They feel: snugness is winter’s second name.
Hot chocolate for children, for parents mulled wine,
Sweet cookies and nuts in the chimney’s flames’ shine.

The windows have flowers, they’re made of cold ice.
They look like white crystals, they look really nice.
The spring’s singing birds have all flown away,
But there in the snow the snowrabbits play.

White whirling snowflakes they come down to earth,
They dance in the air, they are winter’s birth.
Be like those children, like Jimmy and Ray,
Think of your childhood: Enjoy Winter’s Day!

loving greezt an alle!!!

Re: Reimstunde !!

als er grade gerade war,
brach er ab,
was schade war.

wir sind warm und brüderlich,
doch warme brüder sind wir nich.

was klötert in der loden-hose?
is da wohl ein hoden lose?

ollte uns das nicht zu denken geben?? - Ich glaube Nein.

Re: Reimstunde !!

juhu, dies ist ein wahrlich toller thread
da streich ich mir doch glatt n bread !
bald hier das mega poem
i'm gonna show'em
aber erstma Mo. chrischi bash
und nu geh ich was essen !

achdem er sich mit katzenkacke beschmierte as er seinen milchreis weiter ! und er hatte noch holz im kofferraum !

Re: Reimstunde !!

kackey stelzey
klötey flötey
meiney schaizey
machtey schissey
püpey mietey
trötey popötey
hodeyn auf bodeyn
bieteyn tieteyn
drummey gehey
ichey jetzey
totey.... †

gREETz |=BC=|=dArThQu@k3r=|

Webmaster @ Boiler-Crew

it has to start somewhere...
it has to start sometime...
what better place than HERE...
what better place than NOW!!!


gREETz |=BC=|=dArThQu@k3r=|
Webmaster @ Boiler-Crew
it has to start somewhere...
it has to start sometime...
what better place than HERE...
what better place than NOW!!!

Re: Reimstunde !!

LOL der PROLL .... blupp schnupp ...

Steve, kommst mit?

 Re: Reimstunde !!

homo sapiens


controled by hate
controled by greed
is that our fate ?
or o'r own deed ?

reign of the violent
reign of the lies
bottom forced silent
creation cries

drowning in sorrow
drowning in hypocrasy
there is no tomorrow
we've lost humanity

one blood inventing its doom
homo.....sapiens ?

muahhh !! bash bash !

achdem er sich mit katzenkacke beschmierte as er seinen milchreis weiter ! und er hatte noch holz im kofferraum !

Re: Reimstunde !!

voll lol

(der tollste reim der welt)

no escape from the mass mind rape !!