____________________ The attempt to impose upon man, a creature of growth and capable of sweetness, to ooze juicily at the last round the bearded lips of God, to attempt to impose, I say, laws and conditions appropriate to a mechanical creation, against this I raise my sword-pen.
Re: Grünen-Fraktionsvorsitzender Ströbele will 9/11 neu prüfen
The Vice President had considered his words carefully. 'You know, I think we have a problem here.' Skidelski narrowed his eyes: 'You are one useless motherfucker, did I ever tell you that?'
Nun aber geht Merks gedanklicher Kurzschluss so: Könnte man Seiten mit Kinderpornografie im Internet hinter einem Stoppschild verstecken, wären auf Ameland keine Kinder sexuell misshandelt worden. [..] Und, weil das ja auch irgendwie mit Computern zu tun hat, wird auch gleich noch mal die alte Forderung wiederholt, "Killerspiele" zu verbieten.
The Vice President had considered his words carefully. 'You know, I think we have a problem here.' Skidelski narrowed his eyes: 'You are one useless motherfucker, did I ever tell you that?'
eva herman und der kopp-verlag passen eigentlich nirgends...
The Vice President had considered his words carefully. 'You know, I think we have a problem here.' Skidelski narrowed his eyes: 'You are one useless motherfucker, did I ever tell you that?'