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Re: Lageplan

Na für den lageplan musste ich doch auf solche Angelpunkte achten.

Re: Lageplan

Schon Chad im CR gelesen?

Garret's office is it's own little box that sits in the bullroom.
The lobby has three elevators and the receptionist desk. Behind her desk is the breakroom and next to it is Jordan's office.

Macy's office is it's own little box that sits in the bullroom across the hall from Jordan's office and the breakroom and opens out into the hallway with the windows of the building.

If you were to walk straight out of Jordan's office, walking along the side of the windows, you would pass a small hallway that leads to the bullroom - Macy's office - another small hallway that leads to the bullroom - then an office that's tricky. There is a door that leads into computer room, but walking into it, you pass the backside of Lily's office. Lily's office is a small INNER office of this room. If you keep walking past Lily's office, you will see the computer room - and you see this room whenever they are in the bullroom. There is a door that leads into that room from the bullroom - there is a door that leads into it from the hallway to the crypt.

Back to the other hallway out of Jordan's office.

There is a door to Lily's office.

The next door is to autopsy.

At the end of that hallway is a wall - you turn and the first door on your left is the crypt. (The crypt was renovated last season - there is a hall that made the room smaller - so now the room is divided into a crypt and receiving room where the elevator is.

If you were to turn to the first door on your right - across from the crypt - you would be in autopsy. Continuing down the hall, past the crypt on your left and autopsy on your right, you come to the main hallway - this is the hall that leads from the lobby straight back into the crypt. Again, with the renovation - it now leads straight back into receiving.

If you were to continue down that hall, you would hit the hall with windows on the otherside of the building. There is a door on the same side of as the crypt and receiving that is marked locker room. There IS no locker room there. The door opens to steps - which is where the cast comes in from their trailers.

Turning south, away receiving - on your right is the autopsy room and on your left is the lab.

The lab is enormous and runs from that back hall to the front of the bullroom. This room was renovated - there are four doors on either side that open into it - but there used to be a wall that divided it into two different rooms. And originally the north end of this room was an autopsy room.

Back in the bullroom, across from the south side of the lab, is the conference room - which sits in the lobby.

Does that help?

Also, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann warst Du richtig gut, Mel. Nur ein paar winzige Sachen ...

Re: Lageplan

Wow.. ja, ich bin erstaunt, wie verbissen ich sein kann, um was zu perfektionieren

Der Locker Room als Zugang für den Cast find ich witzig. Und gemein finde ich die Umgestaltung der Crypt. Wobei ich das ja berücksichtigt habe.

Und jetzt wissen wir auch welchen RAum man hinter Lilys Büro sieht.. das war der einzige TEil der mich wirklich geschaft hat. Ich hab ja gleich Jenny gesagt, sie kann meinen Plan nehmen anstatt sich die Mühe noch mal selbst zu machen *ggg*

Re: Lageplan

Ich hab mal Annies Wohnung gemalt (so grob jedenfalls und soweit es mit Paint ging ...)

annies_wohnung.JPG (21 kByte, 512 x 384 Pixel)

Re: Lageplan

Das ist klasse.... danke.

Abby: We’re all sitting in it, it’s one great big huge stinking pile of fault, and it’s never going away! -- 5.15 Blame Game