Domäne Graz - Spieler Diskussionsboard

"Die Sau rauslassen"

"Die Sau rauslassen"

Sorry, wenn ich schon wieder die alte Unke spiele, aber ich muss etwas loswerden:

Ich freue mich echt über das rege Zusammenspiel mit Wien, aber ich bekomme langsam das Gefühl, das unsere Gäste dann gerne in Graz "die Sau rauslassen" und ihre Charaktere Dinge tun lassen, die sie sich in Wien niemals trauen würden (bzw. die nicht zugelassen werden würden) und in der allgemeinen Euphorie einige Grazer mitreissen.

So belebend ich das gemeinsame Spiel finde, aber ein bisschen Moderation tut scheinbar not (vorzugsweise Selbst-Moderation durch die Spieler, notfalls stärkere Restriktionen durch die SL)...

Ich weiss, ich bin ein böser, alter Mann...


Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Das mag stimmen, ja.

Aber das ist rein In-Time bedingt.

Unsere Charaktere selbst fühlen sich in Graz ein wenig freier, zumindest ist das bei mir so.

Aber keine Sorge, das hat sich erstmal erledigt...

Clanbook Gangrel: [..]Many non-Gangrel assume that because we prefer to spend time away from other Kindred, and wear a lot of denim, we're technical idiots. Obviously these guys have never seen a cabin with a satellite dish. Only a minority of relatively young Gangrel are Net users, but like the joke goes, on the Internet, no one know's you're a dog. So we get more converts every year. Secure chat servers and encrypted mail routers are just too nice not to use.[..]

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Ich spreche die Domänewien Spieler hiermit frei von:

Wie Opferbereit bist du?

It was love from above, that could save me from hell, She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,how the devil himself could be pulled out of me

I don't mind where you come from as long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you you've shown me eventually what you'll do

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Nope, hat es noch nicht.

Thomas Ansari, Dr., Ancilla, Clan der Gelehrten, Legat zu Wien.

Brujah can beat you up...but they are even more frightful if they discuss about Cynosuralfield theories while doing so.

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Das is ein scheiß Dreck. In Wien werden wir nur einfach ned verpetzt das is der unterschied

Wie Opferbereit bist du?

It was love from above, that could save me from hell, She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,how the devil himself could be pulled out of me

I don't mind where you come from as long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you you've shown me eventually what you'll do

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Wie soll man das verstehen?

Clanbook Gangrel: [..]Many non-Gangrel assume that because we prefer to spend time away from other Kindred, and wear a lot of denim, we're technical idiots. Obviously these guys have never seen a cabin with a satellite dish. Only a minority of relatively young Gangrel are Net users, but like the joke goes, on the Internet, no one know's you're a dog. So we get more converts every year. Secure chat servers and encrypted mail routers are just too nice not to use.[..]

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"


Naja, diese Sachen sind alle nicht auf unserem Mist gewachsen

Wie Opferbereit bist du?

It was love from above, that could save me from hell, She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,how the devil himself could be pulled out of me

I don't mind where you come from as long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you you've shown me eventually what you'll do

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

Keep cool mal alle Miteinander... ich glaub wir haben wieder einmal "Kommunikations-Probleme" und ich hoffe dass sich das am DO spätestens FR klären wird.

Sigurd sagt: "Laß einen Brujah nie Verben konjugieren, dann kommt seine brutale Ader durch!"

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

@Ally: Dem stimme ich zu.

@Heinrich: Wer regt sich auf?^^

Clanbook Gangrel: [..]Many non-Gangrel assume that because we prefer to spend time away from other Kindred, and wear a lot of denim, we're technical idiots. Obviously these guys have never seen a cabin with a satellite dish. Only a minority of relatively young Gangrel are Net users, but like the joke goes, on the Internet, no one know's you're a dog. So we get more converts every year. Secure chat servers and encrypted mail routers are just too nice not to use.[..]

Re: "Die Sau rauslassen"

keine Probleme! *G*

Wie Opferbereit bist du?

It was love from above, that could save me from hell, She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,how the devil himself could be pulled out of me

I don't mind where you come from as long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see them clearly
I don't care no I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you you've shown me eventually what you'll do