Teachers board - The teachers in the contest

Admin teacher

Admin teacher


I am the administrator of this forum who by the way initiated this teachers contest.

The teachers contest page has been viewed more than a thousand times. But nobody participated so far! Billy teacher is a pseudonym only to show our visitors the main idea.

I admit it’s a little confusing and most of you probably don’t understand the use of it either. To make things less complicated I am participating in the competition myself now.

The rules are simple.


1: register here in the forum

2: setup a voting page here in this category

3: when ever you reply a question in this forum provide a link to your voting page underneath your reply.

4: when ever you create a new topic you can have a voting option on that page too.


The winner gets a whole webpage on taiwan-taipei.com with an advertising banner on the FrontPage awarding him as the teacher of the year.  


To point 3 above after you finished setting up your voting page you can go to your user profile and have the link and some comment added automatically every time you post something.   


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teachers contest

Very good   
so so   

1 votes were casted.