THE PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT - Jahresbericht des Präsidenten 2007

 THE PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT - Jahresbericht des Präsidenten 2007


The period from September 2006 to May 2007
Jahresbericht des Präsidenten für die Zeit von
September 2006 bis zur Generalversammlung 2007

The period from September 2006 to May 2007

The board has during the passed financial year consisted of president Claës-L. Ljung (Sweden), vice president Berit Tveter Alm (Norway), vice president Dieter Beck (Germany) together with vice president and secretary-general Fredy Moder (Switzerland). Mrs Sabine Klettenhofer, Austria has been a most reliable treasurer for our organization.

The labour in our committee has been productive and friendly. For me myself it has been a source of inspiration and an opportunity to meet with interesting people. During the past fiscal year I have experienced good help from the whole committee and I also know that my colleagues in the board as well as I myself during the year has been in contact with many of our members!

The 53rd general assembly of the FEGAT was held in Kincsem Park, Budapest, Hungary on Wednesday the 27th of September in connection with the European Championship for Lady drivers.
Berit Tveter Alm from Norway was re-elected as president for the coming 3 years.
Fredy Moder from Switzerland was re-elected secretary general for 1 year.
Sabine Klettenhofer was re-elected treasurer outside the board for 1 year.

Board meetings have been and will be held on the following occasions during the past fiscal year:
in Budapest, Hungary in March
in Copenhagen, Denmark in connection with the European Championship for Lady Drivers

There has also been numerous telephone calls between the committee members. Between the secretary general and myself there has been contacts practically every week.

There has been more technical contact between non FEGAT countries conserning the world championships. It seems quite possible that there will be a future contribution from non European countries for the work performed by the FEGAT.

The championships and FEGAT Europe Cup

The ladies version of the EC was held in Hungary, who for the first time stood as arranger for a championship on the new track in Kincsem Park. European Champion was Julia Kashkovskaya, Russia, followed by Alena Cemusova, Czech Republic and Gundula Bauer, Austria – all well known profiles in their home countries. The championship took place in Budapest 26rd – 30th of September.

The EC for men was after once being moved in time, held in Moscow, Russia 19th til 23rd of October. Champion became Fomin Valery from Russia followed by Klaus Tho Seth from Germany and Egil Sjåvoll from Norway. Russia is really on the move now – both men and women!

FEGAT EUROPE CUP was not held this year due to decision that we are not arranging the same year as the world championships held even years.

You had a full report from the world championships in my report last year.

Existing 14 members. We are very happy to say welcome back to France who from our general assembly last year are members again.

As always in an organization like the FEGAT we have different engagement from different members. Some seems to sleep between our annual meetings and some have a very good contact with the board during the entire year. I think you can feel a little yourselves on which side you belong and remember that we like to have a close contact with every single member country!

The fact that some of you do not inform the secretary general about current addresses to you and your club is not acceptable! On our general assemblies has been a lot of talking about website and earning money by having paid promotion hosted there – but although our secretary general has been hunting you with glowing iron some countries sleep even better than THE SLEEPING BEATY. I sincerely advice you to give all current information to us in the board without delay so we can supply you and our web-master with up to date material.

www.FEGAT.info - our website, has now got its character and is a well known forum in the trotting world. Our secretary general is performing a tremendous work and now it is up to you all to supply him with material to upgrade it.

Former members. Italy and Spain, both former members of the FEGAT, have to my great joy both applied for membership, something that will be taken up on our general assembly 2007. The board has thoroughly looked into the sport in both countries last year and strongly recommend the general assembly to take them up as members again!

Work in the board. The five-year plan for the work inside the FEGAT is going on. Some of the items have been successfully performed and some are still to deal with. On the board meeting in April 2006 Berit Tveter Alm and Dieter Beck were given the mission to freshen up our 11-point strategy, which as for today looks as follows:
1.    The board feel that the number of members in the FEGAT will remain unaltered during the coming 5-years period and it is no reason for changes in the system around championships and likewise.
2.    The new rules for world championships worked out by the secretary general and the president in the FEGAT after hearing the non-FEGAT participating countries, shall be approved in time before the WC in Denmark.
3.    The entire FEGAT shall try to find an international sponsor who will follow our championships and use the good will of them for their promotion.
4.    In general we shall try to reach a higher standard for our championships.
5.    In every member country shall be a race named the FEGAT Race every year. An honorary price shall be provided named “FEGAT - HONORARY PRICE”.
6.    The amount of races driven under FEGAT flag shall be expanded. Press releases, starting lists and results must be forwarded to our secretariat. The FEGAT name must be given more importance. Our secretariat stands willing to provide all addresses and contacts necessary to make this possible.
7.    Within the frames of our economy and with possibilities we know of we will make promotion over the Internet and over our homepage. Every country is responsible for finding sponsors who will have advantage of our homepage and who are willing to pay a sum for this.
8.    Economy: we must be able to keep the standards of today and hopefully raise them. One way to do this is by higher member fees (see the proposal from the board for the general assembly 2001).
9.    We will help to act as intermediary in finding practice jobs for interested persons with the aim to give tuition to young, horse-interested people.
10.     In our homepage we will give the opportunity for interested sponsors to add a  
      link to their homepage.
11.     We will present an annual book again.

As president I have some thoughts to give:

# 1 is not true – we are now happy to see more members in our lines.

# 2 since we worked with the strategy programme last time there has been a lot of   
      water floating under the bridges. FEGAT’s importance world-wide is getting
      stronger and we have again revised the rules to be taken by the general
      assembly of the FEGAT this year and then sent out for ratification.

# 8 has its active meaning again.

# 11 is hardly needed any more after opening our new web-site!

I hope that you will read the 11 points above with a little self criticism. Have you as a member fulfilled what you are expected to do? 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are all works for us all – what have you done the last year???

Alm/Beck will hopefully present a revised version on our general assembly 2007.

To all of you I want to express my gratitude for the passed year. Despite big differences in the possibilities for the sport, in culture and character the FEGAT stands strong. We have been able to give and to take in a way that makes us all to feel like winners.

I feel especially happy that we now have reached a point were all members are carrying out their duties with arrangements in the scheduled way! It is also necessary for our members to fulfil their duties as organizers if they don’t want to sit on the bench and wait for a possibility to participate another year...

I also want to use this opportunity to say thank you to the amateurs in Russia for the gentlemen’s EC and Hungary for taking care of the ladies EC.

FEGAT of today.  FEGAT is widening the field of action. In Austria 2005 it was unanimously agreed by all countries participating in WC that FEGAT should be the head for coming world championships. This decision was taken, as a known fact is that we have been the active part in the world championships all since I was elected president. The work done by our board has met with an international respect shown not only by this decision. Since the Vienna meeting we have set the coming championships until 2012 and we are about to stand as a main organization for our sport in the world.

FEGAT is going ahead with good speed and a wise general assembly and a productive board successfully perform our work! Thank you!
Always be proud to be a member of the FEGAT!

Fegen April 2007

Claës-L. Ljung