Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...

 Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...

FEGAT-Friendship Races at Moscow Hippodrome in honour of
Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...15.04.07

Ms. Alla Polzunova will be 70 years old in the coming days. FEGAT also celebrate this anniversary with Friendshipraces at Moscow Hippodrome.
There will be a driving championship with drivers from 9 different countries.

See also www.fegat.info

 Re: Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...

FRIENDSHIP RACES in honour of Alla Polzunova April - 15th 2007 - MOSCOW HIPPODROME
Press-release from CTA press / Oleg Gorlov

The Moscow International Drivers Championships always had high reputation.
The form of their carrying out - two heats, with change in the second
heat the winner on a horse came to finish of last, etc., - unique in
trotting world.
Drivers of all countries count this kind of the
championships the most sports and fair. For the first time the Moscow
International Drivers Championship was held in 1975 and played 23 times.
from 21 countries from all continents where Harness races are (Europe,
America, Australia, New Zealand), oustanding masters of prize-winning
driving - Johannes Fromming (11 victories in Derby, more than 5000
victories, twice in the Prix d'Amerique) from Germany, champions of the
Europe Jorma Kontio (Finland) and Horst Bandemer (Germany), the
champion of Canada Daniel Dube, the champion of Holland the Case de
Leuv, Walter Case (USA) - more than 1000 victories over year and
others. The most productive driver of the Moscow International
Championship became Vitaly Tanishin (USSR-Russia) won (in 1986 and
1987), in 1988 - has taken the second place.

Anna Polzunova and Mara Bourbon last year (2006) in KAZAN
Picture copyright (c) CTA

The International
Drivers Championship is devoted to 70-anniversary of master-driver Alla
Polzunova on April, 15 will take place in 2007 after a five years'
break on Moscow Race track. In the Championship have agreed to
participate the following drivers: Vladimir Mumm (Estonia, the winner
of Derby and other traditional prizes, started in Finland and Sweden),
Juha Keskinen (Finland, the son of outstanding driver Kyosti Keskinen,
the first successful driver of Scandinaviawho started on Russian
trotter Namyok), Franck Blandin (France), Boris Sapozhnikov (Germany),
Graham Lewis (Great Britain),
Tommi Hanne (Sweden, well known trainer
and the driver who has created the system of training ), Alexander
Skvortsov (Ukraine, the eightfold winner of the Ukrainian Derby,
started in Vincennes, Bratislava, Rome), Corey Braden (USA, the leader
of hippodromes Rosecroft and Ocean Downs (state Maryland), Vitaly
Tanishin and Alexander Nesyayev (Russia, double-winner of Russian Derby
and silver prize at this Championship in 2003).
The achievements will be asserted by a muscovite Vitaly Tanishin, one of the most eminent on Moscow Hippodrome.
In day of the Championship Russian troikas and Orlov trotters will be on the Moscow Race Track.

Oleg Gorlov / CTA press

 Re: Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...


Foto © copyright nekludova/2007


Congratulations to
the Winner of XXIV Moscow International Drivers
Championship in honour of Alla Polzunova's 70 anniversary

The extremely nice and modest lawyer and race commissioner from
Finland is the winner of this Championship in honour of
Alla Polzunova's 70 anniversary


Winner ceremonie: Alla Polzunova - Ismo Kovanen & General Nikolay Isakov

 Re: Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...

 FEGAT-Friendship Races at Moscow Hippodrome
in honour of Alla Polzunova's 70-Anniversary...15.04.07

All Pictures from this event> copyright by © Evgenij Karnaukhov/2007

More pictures www.fegat.info