World Championship 2008

 World Championship 2008

World Championships
for Trotting Amateur Drivers are planned in

Joseph A. Faraldo
Chairman of the Board of the USTA and Chairman of USTA District 8-A.
President and chief executive officer of the Standardbred Owner’s Association of New York since 1980.
Founder and director of the North American Amateur Driver’s Association.

Joseph A. Faraldo
125-10 Queens Blvd, Apt. 2004
Kew Gardens, NY 11415
Phone: 718-544-6800
Fax: 718-544-0033

 Re: World Championship 2008


World Championship 2008 -
are planned from
May 16 to May 23rd     

 Re: World Championship 2008

To all participants and anyone wishing to visit the
Amateurdrivers - World Championship 2008

Very important and urgent informations from Joe Faraldo,
North American Amateur Driver's Association,
organiser of the World Championship 2008 - USA May 16- 23rd

Participants must fly into O'Hare Chicago to be ready to race on Friday May 16th and Sat May 17th. Therefore, you should fly in on Thursday May 15th. We will make ALL the arrangements for your flight from Chicago to NY on May 17th and you should make arrangements to fly out of either JFK or Newark on Thursday May 22nd that's as long as the hotel reservations are for. Anyone wishing to stay will have make their own arrangements after that time. They can obviously stay and return later so anyone wishing to do so would have to make plane reservations to return on Friday or Saturday or whenever but for our purposes the event ends My 22nd with departure on May 23rd.

Tthe approximate cost again only approximate will be $2,000 per person this may also include the cost of the flight we will arrange from Chicago to NY but we need to know the peoples names to make those flight arrangements.

Lastly we need to desperately know the names and how many rooms are required for each country for the hotels and the boat and other items

Joe Faraldo

North American Amateur Driver's Association
c/o Joseph A Faraldo, Esq.
125-10 Queens Blvd.
Suite # 12
Kew Gardens, NY 11451 USA

Please send all informations to >>>

Internet: www.fegat.info

Fédération Européenne des Gentlemen Amateurs et Cavalières du Trot
Europäischer Verband der AmateurfahrerInnen des Trabrennsports
European Trotting Amateur-Drivers Federation