The Flying Doctors - Suchen und Finden


Re: Suche....

Danke für die Info.
Ich habe einen Screenshot gemacht, aber bis auf das "Please" kann ich nichts lesen.


Meine Andrew McFarlane Fansite

Re: Suche....

Ich erkenn da nur nen paar Buchstaben aber sonst nichts.

Re: Suche....

Wenn die wüssten über was wir uns alles Gedanken machen. Wir sezieren so zu sosagen jede einzelen Senze. Hihi

Re: Suche....

Du triffst es auf den Punkt.

Das macht aber auch zuviel Spaß.

Re: Suche....

Ja, irgendein Hobby braucht der Mensch

Re: Suche....

Sonst würde uns am Ende glatt langweilig!


Meine Andrew McFarlane Fansite

Re: Suche....

Ich kann da leider auch gar nix erkennen


Re: Suche....

I don't understand all

did you found the song?

It's a great song! I would like to have it too

Re: Suche....

They talked about the pic from Keksle. We all wanted to know what is standing on the yellow line, but nobody really know it.

After that we had fun because we talked about things a normal person don´t want to know.

We also asked ourselves what the actors think about us when they adept what we are talking about now (20 years later).

Re: Suche....

Yes, I see now

I just don'understand what my reaction is doing here
It was about the song in Johnno be good
But that must have been on a different page