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Corrupt the Wish Game

Corrupt the Wish Game

Theres a lot of forums with this game, and now it's on this forum too. =D

This is how it works:

The first person makes a wish.

The next person grants the wish, but along with it they make something bad happen


Person 1: i wish for a pony

Person 2: granted, but the pony eats you while you're asleep

Well, that was a weird exmaple, but it was the first one that came to mind. i hope you understand it. :3

I'll start off!

I wish for a piece of strawberry cheesecake.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

You get the Strawberry Cheese cake, but with it, comes a horde of Oompa Loompas, who constantly ask if you have a "Wooden Nickel"

Wish: I want... a... um... Pool! Man, I wish I had a pool in my back yard!

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

granted, but it's filled with sharks and dolphins.

i wish for a car to run over my little sister.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

I run over your little sister with my car.

I want a Turkey! Not dead, a real, live Turkey!

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

you get the turkey, but it eats your boss at work and you get fired even though Donald Trump falls in love with the turkey and marries it.

i wish for an eskimo to dance on the the emporer of china's face.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

You get said dance, but the Emporor of China finds out you wished for it and bans you from ever having cookies again.

I wish I could have 12 and a haif cookies.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

you got the cookies, but they're actually the Mozilla browser in disguise and eat your face and then Mickey Mouse decides to live in your shoes and sing the Under the Sea song while you're asleep.

i wish i could live in the Bermuda Triangle.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

granted, but the whole region freezes due to some weird stuff o_O
i wish it would stop raining FOREVER!!!

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

it stops rainign but u get grilled by sun

i wish every girl would be my slave /gg

Q: What's the main difference between intelligence and ignorance?
A: I don't know and I don't care!
Q: What's white and hangs down from a cloud?
A: The coming of the lord.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

Granted: Every girl becomes your slave. Corrupted: They keep complaining about the dental plan.

I wish my shorts were longer.

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Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

granted:they become longer
but u stepped on em and fall on ur face x3

Q: What's the main difference between intelligence and ignorance?
A: I don't know and I don't care!
Q: What's white and hangs down from a cloud?
A: The coming of the lord.

Re: Corrupt the Wish Game

A bub bub bub! You forgot to make a wish!!!!!11shift111oneoneone1!!!!!

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