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New member

New member

Good morning to everybody, I am Paola.
I joined around November 5, then in cause of forum technical problems, my registration had gone lost: do you remember about me, the Italian that doesn't know German language and will write in English?
Well, I am with you again :-))

Paola Michelazzo
44° 45' 22.65" N 7° 49' 30.65" E

 Re: New member

Hi Paola,

Of course do we remember about you. Greate to see you back here!

Could you please post again your Huernia pic for id? I think it was a Huernia whitesloaneana, but am not sure.

Best wishes,


Re: New member

hey paola,
desperately we've been looking for you :o
nice that you came back :)
br, pit

gruß, pit
TIPP: niemals benachrichtigungen von PNs beantworten, sondern immer aus der asclepius-mailbox ... und immer mit zitat!

 Re: New member

Hallo Paola!

Nice to have you back here! And of course, we do remember. :-)

Would you post your pictures in the gallery again, please. I liked them so much!



Re: New member

Hi Paola , welcome back. :-)

( i can not so good english, but i try to write a little bit )

Liebe Grüße


Re: New member

Hello Paola , welcome here! :-)

(Sorry, my English is very bad. But I can read your posts. :-D )

Viele Grüße,

 Re: New member

Hello Paola,

happy to read you again!!

Alles Liebe

Re: New member

Ciao Paola,

ancora benvenuta!

Will you put your lovely pictures back as well? They were lost.

Grüße, Volker

Re: New member

Good morning to everybody!
I thank you again for the warm welcome, and I apologize for my silence.
The cause is that my pc is out, and I write only from the office one: as soon as it will be sheltered, I will again insert the old photoes.

A dear regard from a snowy Turin :-)

Paola Michelazzo
44° 45' 22.65" N 7° 49' 30.65" E

Re: New member

Hallo Paola, ich hoffe dein PC ist bald wieder OK:
Ich freue mich schon auf die Bilder , sie würden hier fehlen. .....:-)

(Sollte jemand das passende knowhow haben ........... ;-)....)

Liebe Grüße


Re: New member

und zufällig am wochenende nach turin fahren? :)

ich traue mir ja viel zu, aber
schriftlich auf englisch einer italienerin den zuhause-PC reparieren, während sie am arbeits-PC sitzt ... das klappt beim besten willen nicht!

gruß, pit
TIPP: niemals benachrichtigungen von PNs beantworten, sondern immer aus der asclepius-mailbox ... und immer mit zitat!