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Bowling for Columbine

Re: Bowling for Columbine



If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Bowling for Columbine

Thank you!

And the best thing: I´ve just another single time this course, after that an oral exam and this course is over forever! I really don´t like it! Don´t know why.... 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Bowling for Columbine

One more time and that's it?!?  Sweet!  What was the course called, and did you acutally learn anything in it?  And about the oral exam, do they just ask you questions and you answer them right there?  That has to be scary, the only time I've taken an oral test is with French when I was 12, where we had to memorize our address and phone number in French.  It was hard for me, because everyone else lived on "14 Mowat Road" or "2 Sorrell Lane" and I lived on "3723 Henderson Hwy."  So I was sitting there going, "j'habite à trois-mille sept-cent vingt-trois grande-route Henderson." 

Anyway, good luck on your Oral exam, I hope it's not too difficult, and hooray! No more of this course!!!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Bowling for Columbine

The cours was called "Basic Legal Communication" and I don´t think that I´ve learnt a lot! Sure, some new vocabulary, but that´s it...

I hope the oral exam isn´t too difficult - we have to take them in pairs and our prof tells us a legal topic (e.g. a case) and we have to discuss about it. I don´t really know how she will grade it! 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Bowling for Columbine

Well, good luck to you!  And to whoever you're paired up with!  And how does learning some law communcations connect with the incident at Columbine?

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Bowling for Columbine

I guess our prof wanted to show us how American people are thinking about gun-ownership... Because here in Austria it´s very difficult to own a gun, because we have quite strict laws about ist.

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Bowling for Columbine

I know!  It's so confusing!  In Canada we have to have our guns registered... my family doesn't own any guns (at least none that I know of ) so I don't know how this works... in some states you're allowed to show your gun, in other states you have to have it concealed... I say outlaw all guns!!  I don't like guns.

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Bowling for Columbine

Here in Austria you have to do a gun licence and if you just own a gun without any licence you are punished even if you haven´t used it. For the licence you also have to do a psycho test...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Bowling for Columbine


I'll never get to own a gun in Austria...

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Bowling for Columbine

I like the strict law much more better, because why should a normal average man/woman own his/her a gun?? It´s just a temptation to use it some time!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller