Internatinalmusiccamp Forum - Coffe House

Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

If I watch through the last threads I can only find 2 names who are talking and discussing with each other - so why not start a thread just for us??

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

Perfect Idea!! 

Why is it that we are the only ones on here anymore?  Is it because the others don't care, or is it that we have no social life anyway so we waste away in front of a computer...?  It's probably the first choice... (and the great thing is that no one else can post a defense on here!)

This is great!

So, what's new with you Raphaela?!?

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

I don´t know either why nobody else is writing in here!? I´m just checking this forum daily like my e-mail account, so it has nothing to do with  a computer freak!

What´s going on with me...? I´m very lazy at the moment, at least concerning university... and practicing.... but I think, sometimes that´s ok.

Today (in about 1 hour) we have our general assembly with my local wind ensemble/brass band or whatever you would call it in English  ! So I have to dress me up in my traditional costume...

Do you know Tupperware?? I guess no! That´s a brand for different stuff of the kitchen like boxes to keep food fresh, and much more. This stuff is mostly sold at socalled "Tupperware-Parties" and today I´m invited to one! Normally it is something for housewives, but a friend of mine who is only 22 years old throw the party and so I´m sure we´ll have much fun there....

Well, that´s all at the moment concerning me - what did you do at the weekend?

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread


EVERYONE in Canada practically lives off of the stuff, and I've been to a few tupperware parties too... you're going to have a lot of fun!  I use tupperware for EVERYTHING from lunches, to leftovers, to...everything!

Today my orchestra had our first rehearsal with Alain Trudel (do you know him?) for our conductor, and we get to practice with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra tomorrow and then our concert is on Thursday (aaahh...) and we're playing Pines of Rome!  So much fun!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

Oh, I didn´t know that Tupperware is even famous in your country - but I´ve to admit that the stuff is very practible!

Alain Trudel? No, I´ve never heard of him! Can you tell me something about him??

Today I´ve my last bigger exam in this semestre and I haven´t learnt for it - I´m really hoping to pass it....

Well, and now I´ve to dress me up and and set off to the station! See ya!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

Good luck on your exam!!!

Alain Trudel is a world-famous (apparently) conductor and trombonist... and he's French!! Don't know much else about him except that his accent is AMAZING!

Tomorrow's our big concert aaaaahhh....

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

I checked his homepage ( and he looks very friendly...

I´d come and listen to your concert tomorrow but unfortunately the distance is so huge  But I´ve already planned to do some bigger voyages this summer and one destination should probably be Canada and the other one Iceland. I hope I can afford it! Do you already know when you´ll be in IMC again??

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

Yes!  I'm going the same weeks as last year (6 and 7), but instead of IYB I'm going to do Orchestra! 

Come to Canada!  Stay in Winnipeg!  You know you're always welcome at our house instead of finding a hotel or something like that... just email me and let us know when you're coming, and how long you're staying!  We'll show you some sights and introduce you to some great people!  From where our house is, it's pretty easy to get from one place to another in Winnipeg, the bus is really close and I'll probably have my driver's license by then, I can take you anywhere in Winnipeg!!  And if you go to Iceland too, say hi to Dulla for me, since I haven't heard from her in a long time and I miss her!  I really hope you can come to Winnipeg, I miss everyone from IMC and I'd really like to see you!

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

I´ll think about your offer!   Of course you can come to Austria anytime too!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Meg´s and Raphi´s Thread

It's too bad I can't come this spring when I'm actually in Europe... but I will maybe in 2 years or so?  I'm not sure... I really want to visit everyone!  We should have a ten-year reunion or something... preferably in Europe (it gives me yet another excuse to go there!)

If you can't stand the heat... don't tickle the dragon.