Internatinalmusiccamp Forum - Greetings

Exclusively for Winnipeggers

Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

Sure, why not? Just tell us when you're in Winnipeg and we'll hook something up! 

And Shut Up Ryan!!


 Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

I'll have to put my thinking cap on vis-a-vis the hanging out after I begin (and hence, stop dreading) school.  Precisely at 8:50 tomorrow.

How are your respective schools going?

It's got so many dotted eighth notes in it/I'd keep 'er under fifty beats a minute

Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

Excellent...  I'm at MBCI (which is by the Disraeli bridge) and I can't believe I'm in grade 11!  My classes so far are great.. and we have plenty of German Exchange Students!  Saweet..


Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

you guys?


Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

German Exchange Students? Are you sure that there aren´t any Austrians??

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

Oh, I wish there were! I'll double-check and see...


Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

cool....we have a French exchange student...he is cool. We had an assembly today and when he did a speech...i was really sad like...just cause it really reminded me of Julio, Pablo and Jordan...because they always had troubles with their english, as did the exchange student.


Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

Are there many exchange students at your schools?? Is that just normal?? Because in my school there was at most one exchange student a year and not that happend not every year...  Probably Austria isn´t so interesting for exchange students! But 2 years ago there had been a Brazil in my neighbour-class and he became the boyfriend of one of my best friends...

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

At my school, yes it's very common.  We have like, 12 students from Germany (which is really big because we usually just have 4 or 5) and one student from Japan... I think...


Re: Exclusively for Winnipeggers

it's not too common at my school it is just very boring at my school. The average amount of exchange students a year is one, and we have had one this year and one last year.....last year the exchange student was from Mexico!!
