Internatinalmusiccamp Forum - Greetings

lisa in spain :D

lisa in spain :D

hey guys.. yeah Im in spain.. soo great

but you know what - it rained yesterday - in spain- tell me, is that normal?!  wanna have suuun ;)

so greets from here


Re: lisa in spain :D

hehe - in Austria it´s very hot now   Probably you have taken the rainy weather with your?!?

I wish you a nice time in Spain!

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: lisa in spain :D since yesterday theres no more rain.. :D

todaz were goimg to montserrat ansd in the evening we go to valencia .. jeje.. so great


Re: lisa in spain :D

Well, the rain in spain falls mainly in the plain so it all depends where you are in spain... on the plain?  Then expect rain.  Things I've learned from My Fair Lady.


Re: lisa in spain :D

Where in Spain are you Lisa?  When I went I travelled through the countryside and then spent lots of time in Madrid. We never saw even 1 cloud in the sky. It was too hot for me; I kept saying "Where are the clouds and the rain?" I hope you have fun even with the rain :P

Re: lisa in spain :D

now I¨m in malaga- the weather is bad here so we go on to tarifa ;-)but yesterday in granada the weather was fantastic!! and the alhambra is sooo great- you have to see it :D

and in valencia it was sunny all the time too.. there we were at the beach the first time- I love the ocean

Re: lisa in spain :D

Hey Lisa!

Where are you?? We didn´t hear anything of you for some days now!!!!! 

*It does not prove a thing to be right because the majority say it is so.*
Friedrich von Schiller

Re: lisa in spain :D

.. I'm back in austria now.. ( wanna go back to spain....  )

I love spain.. soo beautiful country. all cities awesome!!
if I had liked the boy who came with me and my freind everthing would have been perfect!
next time only with friends.. or on my own

Re: lisa in spain :D

when you say "friends," you do mean ME .. right?  RIGHT? 

Re: lisa in spain :D

Yes, because it's easy to fly from Kansas to Spain...

I'm not saying anything else because it's probably harder from Manitoba...


Re: lisa in spain :D

My brother went to Spain!!!
He really liked it too...
I get to go to Greece next March!!!...It's gonna be so much fun!!!
