Izzy Gallegos - Spassecke

Einmal zählen lernen bitte

Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte



Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte


Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.

Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte



Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte


Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.

Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte


Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte



Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte


Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte



Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte

(bald bei 50 helfte)

Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.

Re: Einmal zählen lernen bitte

