Ich fang an:
wie lat bist du?
[dann beantwortest du und stelltst wieder ne frage(andere) ]
Ich fang an:
wie lat bist du?
[dann beantwortest du und stelltst wieder ne frage(andere) ]
Welche Sportarten mags du?
hast du nen freund?
Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.
Hörst du gerade Musik?
Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.
und die nächste Frage??? ;-)
die kommt.
magst du Kelly Clarkson?
Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.
zur zeit nicht. die geht mir auf den sack....
bist du im Mai auf der US5 Tour mit dabei?
ja am 21.5.06
du auch?
(aufn 21.5.? )
Dear IzzY,My live had changed,since I saw you for the first time.Everytime I fell,cried,laught or was angry with you.For me you are simply everything,and more.Everytime when I see you,then I feel something like a lucky feeling and I have got a lot of butterflies in my somach.Your styl is just wow, and your radiation drives me crazy.But it isn´t your look,which has a truth meaning for me,your kind and your appearance are enough that I can say,that I love you,I love you endlessly.
ich ned bin am 09.05 dabei
mögt ihr revolverheld?