Spiketten-Forum - Banner selbsterstellt!

Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Hier sind mal einige von mir*fg*.


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

banner2.jpg (10 kByte, 450 x 100 Pixel)

Re: Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Klasse ich sehe da kann ich noch viel lernen

Re: Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Ach was du machst es doch schon voll supi*fg*.
Habe auch schon versucht ein Steve,Charlie,Aaron und Kevin Banner zu machen,du die hab ich net hinbekommen .

Hier noch welche:

Hier mal einpaar Buttons die ich erstellt habe*fg*.


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Made by Spikegirl*fG*

super sind die

Hmm wieso hat das mit den anderen den nicht geklappt?

Ah das mit den Buttons könnt ich auch mal probieren, mir sind die kleinen Sachen lieber, denn zu den WP`s find ich nich die richtigen Bilder.

Re: Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Die waren zu Groß und zu Blass und da hatte ich ja noch mein altes Bildprogi mit dem ich net klar kam.
Aber ich werde sie nochmal versuchen*fg*.
Und dann zeigen oki?*fg*

Ach Schatzerl du findest schon Bilder für die WP's ,dauert nur etwas.


Ich Liebe James Marsters. :-)

Spikegirl: Tell me,you love me!
Spike: I love you!
Spikegirl: Tell me,you want me!
Spike: I always want you!

Ja das ist mein Spike :D!

I feel my wings have broken in your hands
I feel the words unspoken inside
and they pull you under...
and I would give you anything you want,but no.
Youn were all wanted
and all my dreams are falling down...
Crawlin' around,and around...
Crawlin' around,and around...

Somebody save me!
Let your warm hands break right through
Somebody save me!
I don't care how you do it
just stay!
Stay c'mon,I've been waiting for you.

Re: Made by Spikegirl*fG*

Hihi hier is noch einer den Spikegirl gemacht hat!

Mich nochmal Bedanke will dafür *knuddelz* .
Du mavchst das echt klasse!


The Slayer and the dark and sexy Vampire!