www.Kampfsport-Freiburg.de - Dog Brothers Martial Arts

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We're releasing two new DVDs in March and we wanted to let you know about them.


Cycle Drills on DVD

In "Combining Stick & Footwork" and "Attacking Blocks" we covered core ideas about protecting the head and countering both with linear and angular footwork (the Snaggletooth and the Diamond).

In this DVD we turn to using these ideas and many new ones in the context of the footwork of "lower canines" (inside and outside male) triangles as well. The lower canine triangles are ideal for both probing attacks (if successful, continue the attack and if not, break off) and for countering aggressive linear attacks. To train these ideas Guro Benjamin "Lonely Dog" Rittiner (Guro Crafty's top student and a very highly regarded fighter) shows us the "DBMA Cycle Drills". These drills will teach you:

to counter using half beats
to use explosive footwork
to develop power
to install a solid head protection
to have a feel for the right distance

As develop the feel for the basic "generator" then Guro Lonely Dog shows how to:

Attack different targets with different angles
Kick after a counter attack
Crash, clinch and take him down
Attack after a side step
Play with rhythm so as to be able to time your opponent.

"As always with DBMA, if you see it taught, you see it fought.


Gathering Of The Pack on DVD

In 1993, our first series, commonly known as "The Dog Brothers Videos", introduced "Dog Brothers Real Contact Stickfighting". Since that time, the fighting has evolved A LOT. Twice a year, we host our "Dog Brothers Gathering of the Pack" and this video, consisting of selected fights from 1994-1999, shows just how much the fighting has evolved since the fights of the late 1980s and early 1990s that formed the basis of the first series.

The video opens with the opening talk, which sets the understandings for the day, and promptly turns to two 1 on 1 knife fights, and one 2 on 2 knife fight. There are many single and double stick fights, single stick versus double nunchaku, stick versus hardwood bokken (ends in broken hand) and two 4 foot staff fights (one of them ends in a ruptured ear drum). The video closes with the fighters' circle as the fighters share the day.

This is not a "Greatest Hits of the Dog Brothers" video (that comes later). Although some of the fights in this video may well appear in the "Greatest Hits" video, with this video the idea is to show just what a Gathering is and to show the current fighting. And at a length of 70 minutes in this video there is plenty of that!


Visit our catalog at www.dogbrothers.com for more information.


Cindy "Pretty Kitty" Denny

