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Gottschalks Hausparty

Gottschalks Hausparty

it was one of the first videos i had from the kelly family back then and i watched it over and over again. it's a great mix. interviews, jokes, songs... i heard "i can't help myself" for the first time in this video and i assume that this video might be the reason why some papers published that this song was about their father. angelo once mentioned how stupid this is considering the lyrics of the song, but right befor the song jimmy says how much they love their father and that all the bad things that are written in the press about him aren't true and that they dedicate that song now to their father. and throughout the whole performance there were photos of the kelly parents shown. so i assume that's why some people got confused.

Re: Gottschalks Hausparty

I like this video too !

I just LOVED Paddy in this grey suit with the black sunglasses. He looked gorgeous  !

And Johnny looked so funny dressed like a woman ! He really looked like a trans  !