LAN FUN MOD - Talk about

Hello from the {MERCS} clan

Hello from the {MERCS} clan

Hello guys!

We are the clan that is running that other Lan Fun Mod server :-)
We are a European clan, members from the UK, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Denmark.

Just dropping by to say you did some great work on this mod!

But I was wondering why we didn't come across this mod earlier? No interest to offer it to the big public?

Feel free to drop by our website at any time:



Re: Hello from the {MERCS} clan

Hi guys,
was fun playing with you :-)

Well lets see if we can set up a regular event... tuesdays etc.

Shure it was offerd public, though only on German community sites....
well lets see, maybe there will be an international release...

Greetz S2K