
What is your favorite line?

What is your favorite line?

My personal fav would be:

    "Look at these trophies!"

Re: What is your favorite line?

My favorite line (English version):

Leedaiger: "You weren`t ready, unexpected moves are hard to counter."

My favorite line (German Version):

Ivan: "Also, wir sehen uns wieder, der Sohn, nicht wahr?

Jason: "Aber diesmal wird der Spiess umgedreht, du Maulheld.

Ivan: "Aaahh!"

Wenn du dich wirklich verbessern willst,
musst du dich konzentrieren. Das ist deine Stärke.

Re: What is your favorite line?

Dean Ramsey:
**"She's spoken for...her brothers' my sensai"
**"See...she KNOWS who's the best'
**' Totally awesome, i think it's bitchin' (dean talking to kelly about her party)

** 'It's my house too'
** 'noooooo' (when his dad is tearing his bruce lee poster)

**' He did this...this...and that'

Re: What is your favorite line?

'take a walk fatboy'
-jason to scott

Re: What is your favorite line?

Stimmt, der war super. In der englischen Version sagt er ja nicht "Maulheld" sondern einfach nur "Russian".
Warum empfand Ivan das als Beleidigung? Er ist doch Russe. ;-D