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Alan Moore hat geheiratet

Alan Moore hat geheiratet

Bloss wegen dem Foto ist es schon Wert darĂ¼ber zu berichten

und Gaiman dazu:

Originally Posted by Neil Gaiman
Q: How was Alan and Melinda's wedding?

A: Wonderful.

Q: Did Alan really wear a blue bowler hat?

A: Indeed -- and yet it merely topped off a costume that was colourful and remarkable. He was resplendent in his Edwardian finery, and should he now abandon his writing career and begin fighting crime as The Peacock -- he's a dangerous dandy! -- I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Mel was gorgeous too. But she didn't look like a potential crimefighter.

Q: Do you have any photographs?

A: Yes. But they're on the camera so I can't get the data off until I get home. I should have taken the phone camera too, so I could post something here, but there you go. You'll just have to wait.

Q: What was the best bit of the wedding, then?

A: It was either seeing old friends -- Dave Gibbons, Kevin O' Neill, Todd Klein, Chris Staros, Amber and Leah Moore, Oscar Zarate, Jose Villarrubia and on....

Or it was Alan's vows, which he wrote himself, a strange and beautiful love poem/invocation...

Or it was watching Alan and Melinda dance to the music of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band tribute group .

Q: So it was good, then?

A: Oh yes.

Q: Worth flying to the UK for, for the day?

A: What do you think?

Q: That's a yes, isn't it?

A: Of course it is.

Q: You promise to post a picture of Alan in his blue bowler hat, though? When you get home?

A: I promise. Can I go to sleep now?

Q: If you must.
Labels: Alan and Melinda's wedding

posted by Neil at 5:39 PM

Re: Alan Moore hat geheiratet

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Aber die Melone sieht irgendwie reinkopiert aus...


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