Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow

Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow

Witchblade #114 (Covers A-B) OCT072042-3 26.12.2007 --> 30.01.2008


Im Forum finden regelmässig Zeichencontests, Gewinnspiele und andere Events statt.....

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow

bei Image haben ja immer fast alle Comics Verspätung

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow

Naja, so schlimm sind sie ja auch wieder nicht. Zudem haben sie ja nicht nur den einen Titel im Programm.


Im Forum finden regelmässig Zeichencontests, Gewinnspiele und andere Events statt.....

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow

In der Tat. Hier gibts mehr als einen Titel


Strongarm #5 APR071879 02/13/08

Chemist #2 (MR) JUL071947 02/13/08

PvP #38 JUL071957 02/13/08

Next Issue Project #1 OCT071967 02/13/08

Dynamo 5 #11 NOV072039 02/13/08

Dynamo 5 #12 DEC072086 02/13/08

And here are the Product Updates.


Jim Rugg will replace Howard Chaykin in the creative line-up for The Next Issue Project #1: Fantastic Comics #24 (OCT071967D, $5.99). The title is eligible for order adjustments in this week’s Dateline.

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


Ride: Die Valkyrie #3 (MR) JUN071919 02/20/2008

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


PvP #39 OCT072018 03/12/08

Witchblade TP Vol. 01: Witch Hunt (Bk. Mkt. Ed.) OCT078040 02/13/08

Hawaiian Dick #3 NOV072043 02/27/08

Hunter-Killer TP Vol. 01 NOV072083 02/13/08

Invincible #48 SEP071998 02/20/08

Madame Mirage #5 SEP072031 02/20/08

Princess at Midnight GN DEC072061 03/12/08

Cemetery Blues #2 DEC072084 03/12/08

Cemetery Blues #3 JAN082072 03/12/08

And here are the Product Updates.


In response to the unprecedented level of consumer demand and retailer suggestions, the previously announced 1-in-100 variant cover for The Walking Dead #50 (FEB082109D, $2.99) — which features the popular characters of the series rendered as super-heroes by Savage Dragon‘s Erik Larsen and Invincible‘s Ryan Ottley — will now ship as a 1-in-25 variant and is shown here.

The Princess at Midnight GN (DEC072061D, $5.99), solicited as a color title, will be published in black-&-white.

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


How to Make Webcomics TP NOV072019 03/12/08

Witchblade TP Vol. 02 DEC072130 02/27/08

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


Savage Dragon #135 MAR071853 03/26/08

( gotta love Image...a March 2007 Previews solicited title for May 2007 shipping arriving almost a year late...that's assuming it makes that ship date.... laugh.gif )

Liberty Meadows 10th Anniversary Ed. HC DEC072067 03/12/08

Dark Ivory #1 JAN082043 03/05/08

Witchblade TP Vol. 03 JAN082107 03/12/08

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


Sorrow #4 (MR) SEP072005 03/26/08

Invincible #49 OCT072012 03/12/08

Walking Dead #47 (MR) NOV072059 03/12/08

The Death Grub One-shot (MAR082070D, $2.99) and Sorrow #4 (SEP072005D, $2.99), both solicited as being 32 pages, will in fact run 24 pages. Sorrow #4 is eligible for Order Adjustments in this week’s Dateline.

Due to a misprint, some copies of Madman Atomic Comics #6 (AUG072018D, $3.99) experienced fading in their final pages. Reprinted copies are available from Diamond; retailers are encouraged to check the copies they have received and, if they wish to replace them, contact their Diamond Customer Service Representative by March 19. Please Note: Misprinted copies must be returned to Diamond.

Re: Verzögerungen in der Auslieferung Image / TopCow


Bad Planet #5 (MR) AUG071998 04/09/08

Wonderlost #2 AUG072036 04/16/08

Ride TP Vol. 02 (MR) OCT071984 05/07/08

Spawn Collection Vol. 5 TP DEC072073 05/07/08

Noble Causes #32 JAN082050 04/09/08

Amory Wars TP 01: Second Stage Turbine Blade (MR) FEB082125 04/16/08
A limited number of copies of Casanova #12 (NOV072036D, $1.99) were misprinted. Retailers are advised to check their stock and report any misprinted copies to their Diamond Customer Service Representative for replacements.