Re: Kleine News

Ich habe meinen ersten Leserbrief an Marvel geschrieben

Und wehe er wird nicht gedruckt

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lass dich überaschen

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Amazing Spider-Man


Re: Kleine News

über den bösewicht in Ms. Marvel 3

Trivia Time: The original idea for the GIANT SIZE story was that Traveler was a mutant with a time travel ability. His name was going to be "Rodney Traveller", because I am a smart ass and Rodney Taylor played "George" in the 1960 movie "The Time Machine". Well, in the book of THE TIME MACHINE, that character was known only as "the time traveller". Thus, the name Rodney Traveller was born. Upon deciding that it was lame to have him be a mutant, and that I'd get more out of him if he was powered by magic, he became a sorcerer. When Andy Schmidt suggested the name "Rodney" didn't really instill fear in one's opponents, I renamed the character to "Warren" for no particularly good reason. The last name of "Traveler" is actually a typo that got repeated enough times that it became his name. So, no relation to Judas Traveller at all.

Re: Kleine News

Ask Tom Brevoort auf könnte interessant werden

Re: Kleine News

In yet another link we have shamlessly stolen from Kevin Melrose at The Great Curve, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's long time reviewer Ken Tucker takes an unusually peevish public jab at Marvel for their no review copies policy:

After a couple of months of frustration, I figured, Why not share this with you and get it off my chest? I started this comic-book review spot on the website in the hope of offering guidance and opinions on every sort of mainstream or small-press comic book in a reasonably timely fashion — i.e., the week the book under scrutiny is published. It's worked out fine with publishers ranging from DC to Drawn & Quarterly, with one exception: Marvel. I've interviewed Charlie Huston for his Moon Knight writing gig, but I've written only one review of a single Marvel comic so far — the debut of Secret War — and that's only because an editor here scored a copy and loaned it to me (thanks, Nisha!). As for everything else Marvel, nada. The behemoth company doesn't seem interested enough in being covered by a general-interest magazine like EW to send out review copies. So, just wanted to tell you, if and when I review a Marvel comic, it'll be one that's either on the stands at the moment, or a back issue you can find at your local comic shop. Don't like that situation and want timely recommendations? Please bombard Marvel Comics. Thank you — and now, back to comics reviewing...

Tucker is, of course, referring to Marvel's long term lack of comp copies, a policy that is believed to originate right at the top, from Ike Perlmutter. The policy doesn't extend just to national entertainment magazines, of course -- in the past, editors were known to go begging for copies of their books, and the talent was also lucky to get comps of their titles.

We hear the policy towards talent has eased up a little, but the review copy policy -- along with the "no conventions" rule -- seems to remain in place. One would think that as a publicly held company, Marvel's top brass might want to revisit their policy towards two promotional methods that every other company in existence uses, but that does not seem to be the case.

Re: Kleine News

Lions Gate wird kein Black Widow Film drehen

Lionsgate declines to make another crappy movies about a superheroine, drops Black Widow film.

IGN sought comment on this from the film's writer-director, David Hayter, who confirmed the bad news. Hayter told IGN that after Lionsgate dropped Black Widow, "Marvel and I then spoke to a few other financing entities, but I never felt comfortable that we had found a place that was willing to take the movie, and the character, seriously."

He continued, "I have put it aside until a reputable studio comes along, but in the meantime, I am heartbroken. I love this character, I love the story/world we came up with for her, and I sincerely hope the movie gets done some day. In the meantime, I am creating an original feature to shoot next year."

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Und wie vorausgesagt gibt es ein ask JQ auf

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die Marvel-Zombies wüten weiter...

Werbung für Heroes Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum