SECRET INVASION - News Thread oder: Wer ist ein Skrull?

Re: Mighty Avengers neuer Zeichner


Übrigens sollte es langsam aber sicher mal losgehen. Momentan befindet sich das MU in einer Situation, in der es nicht richtig vorwärts geht. Ich vermute halt, es handelt sich um einen akuten Fall von "waiting vor mighty avengers to catch up".


Re: Mighty Avengers neuer Zeichner

Marvel is pleased to announce that due to an overwhelming demand, Captain Marvel #3 (of 5) has sold out at Diamond—before the issue arrives in stores! But just what could be so shocking, so jaw-dropping that the demand for this issue has reached fever pitch? What is the truth about Captain Marvel’s journey through time? And how does this all connect to Captain Marvel #4 and Captain Marvel #5, both Secret Invasion tie-ins? Writer Brian Reed said, "It's all coming to a head for Captain Marvel. Issue #3 looks like it answers a lot of questions... or maybe it just raises a million more!"

“Fans won’t believe what happens on the final page,” added Brian Bendis, architect of 2008’s most anticipated event, Secret Invasion.

Run, don’t walk, to your local comic store on Wednesday, February 13th, to get your copy of the book so hot that it’s already sold out—Captain Marvel #3! And don’t miss the end of the thrilling, sold-out limited series, as it ties into Secret Invasion!

SI: Fantastic Four

Die erste Spin-Off Mini Serie wurde angekündigt und es handelt sich dabei um

SECRET INVASION: Fantastic Four #1

The invasion has started, and no one in the MU is safe, not even the First Family of Comicdom! Aware that some of the Earth's most advanced technology and weaponry is housed in the Baxter Building, the Skrulls have neutralized the building--by transporting it and its inhabitants straight to the Negative Zone!

With one member of the Fantastic Four M.I.A. and another "replaced, " it's up to the remaining family members--not to mention Franklin and Val—to get back to our dimension, Skrulls or no Skrulls. But are any of our heroes who they think they are?

Autor: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Zeichner: Barry Kitson


Einer der F4 ist somit offiziell ein Skrull? Wer mag es sein?


Interview mit Bendis/Breevort zu SI

Hier ein ausführliches Interview:


Re: SI: Fantastic Four

Nach der ersten Millar Ausgabe würde ich auf Johnny tippen und Reed wird MIA.

Re: SI: Fantastic Four

War ja klar... Diesmal gibt es aber keine Spin-Offs für mich.


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Ms Marvel secret Invasion Arc wird länger

Laut Greg Horn:
You, the people have spoken, and by the grace of God almighty Marvel has listened... As Spidey616 has testified in an earlier thread: "Things are getting Skrully" here on the message board, and that is a good thing because I've just been informed that the Skrull story arc on Ms Marvel will be extended a bit further than they had previously reckoned, and that means I'm staying on the book another 2 issues at least! So far the Secret Invasion has been pretty good to me.

Bendis vs Morrison, der Crossoverkrieg ist entflammt!

So, what’s the hard sell for Final Crisis?
MORRISON: It’s also what the DCU stands for. It’s the apocalypse. It’s Revelations. It’s the hard-edged, death metal version of the DCU. It’s cooler than anything Marvel’s doing for the next year. If you like superheroes, this is the ultimate superhero story. That’s what I would say. We wanted something that’s really like the cover of a Slayer album.

Marvel’s big event—Secret Invasion—launches the month before you. How do you think this event will compete with that?
MORRISON: We’re going to kick their ass so hard. [Laughs] Marvel had its big year last year with Civil War, which was an amazing event and really changed the Marvel landscape. With Secret Invasion, we’ve seen the Skrull thing before. We’ve seen it in the Kree-Skrull War, again in series like the Fantastic Four. They’re kind of resting this year. [Laughs] So if you’re a Marvel fan, come over here. There’s only one book to read this summer. It’s simple.

Und Bendis seine Antwort:
Originally Posted by BENDIS! View Post
knowing what everyone in the industry knows about whats going on with 'his' book behind the scenes, even jokingly, he really should keep his yap el shutto.

Re: Mighty Avengers neuer Zeichner

Grant spinnt ja, der sagt Civil War war ein "amazing event"

Ansonsten scheint das Konkurrenzdenken zwischen Marvel und DC wieder aufzuleben. Find ich irgendwie witzig. Könnte auch zu schönen Blüten in der Convention Season führen.

Ich bin ich, das allein ist meine Schuld.

Re: Mighty Avengers neuer Zeichner

Find ich ziemlich unsouverän, wie Bendis da reagiert. Eigentlich muss ich immer sauer aufstoßen, wenn ich von ihm einen DC-Kommentar lese und höre, da verliert er bei mir jedesmal Punkte. Gerade dieses "'his' book", also bitte, als hätte Bendis alles selbst geschrieben, was seinen Namen auf dem Cover hatte.
