Uncanny X-Men was the first title mentioned, teasing the return of both Salvador Larroca and Storm to the title.
Chris Claremont will make his long-delayed debut on Exiles soon, which was teased on a slide.
wer schreibt denn die jetzigen Ausgaben
X-Men First Class will relaunch in June as an ongoing series.
Moving on to some upcoming events, leading off with the X-Men Endangered Species one-shot, by Mike Carey and Scott Eaton with a cover by Marc Silvestri. Schmidt says "this story is nothing but heart."
Starting in X-Men #200 (out the following week), there will be 8-page "Endangered Species" backups going through most of the X-Men titles until October.
"Is Darwin (from X-Men: Deadly Genesis) going to stick around for a while?" Yes.
Das heisst wohl Lorna oder rachel werden draufgehen, da die anderen ja schon erwähnt wurden.
"Are you going to bring back the 'Books of Destiny'?" Schmidt: "That'll be touched on very soon, in June or July."
With all his books, "how long until Ed's off X-Men?" Brubaker: "I don't think I'll be off any time soon."
och nee
"Will we be seeing Forge anytime soon?" McCann: "Yes we will."
Any plans with Dark Beast?" Schmidt: "Yes." Brubaker: "Really?"