Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Avi Arad also confirmed "Thor" is being written!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR takes a look at what they call “B-list” comic characters making their way to film, starting with this weekend’s box office champ, Ghost Rider, and working their way through Iron Man, Ant-Man and Thor:

Another hero who might toe that dangerous line is Ant-Man’s Avengers colleague “Thor,” whose movie is likely to begin filming next year. “Thor, in his original form in the old Jack Kirby style, could be construed as kinda goofy,” Liebowitz said, holding up an old Thor comic, and then replacing it with a new one. “What they’ve done recently is transform him, and they’ve almost picked the actor who might portray him. You can see here that he looks like Triple H, the wrestler.”

“He’s got wings on his head,” argued Liebowitz’s employee, shooting down any attempts to make the Norse God seem cool. “He walks around saying, ‘Nay, knave!’ Who talks like that?”

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

thor ein b-lister??
junge junge!

meine Comics

meine DVDs

Ihr wollt einen Handyvertrag abschliessen, haltet aber alle Handy erkäufer für Betrüger?
Dann schliesst euren Vertrag bei eurem Forenliebling und Handyspezi ab oder verlängert ihn

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Und dann die Sache mit der Sprache! Sorry, aber diese altertümliche Sprache gehört zu Thor hinzu. Ihm die wegzunehmen hieße, ihn zu einem 08/15 Held zu machen.

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

"The rumors are flying -- first CHUD posted a tidbit about struggles between director Matthew Vaughn and Marvel about who should wield Mjolnir, with Marvel's alleged lead candidate Paul Levesque (popularly known as wrestler Triple H) being no good for Vaughn.

Then IESB claims that Vaughn's favorite for the part is "Rome" actor Kevin McKidd is the right guy for the pointy helmet. "

I think that would be pretty bad ass since I LOVED both him and Pullo from Rome! How awesome would it be to see both of those great actors as some high profile Marvel characters?

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Der Film soll 2010 ins Rennen gehen!


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Matthew Vaughn ist offensichtlich nicht mehr der Thor Regisseur



Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Dafür kommt Frankenstein-Shakespeare Kenneth Branagh:


Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum

Re: Fakten & Gerüchte: THOR

Thor-Regisseur Kenneth Branagh enthüllt, dass das Casting bald bekanntgegeben wird...


Marvel Checklist
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