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Looking for fans from Dallas

Looking for fans from Dallas

Hey all,

I'm looking for fans from Dallas so we can go to the court in Jan. together. If you're from Dallas and planning to go please e-mail me at:


Re: Looking for fans from Dallas

Yo I'm lookin for fans in Texas too! If you find any please e-mail me. The names J.Child. Yeah I wanna go to the Court too. Oh yeah! If you find any Missouri fans let me know too! Cuase I dunno which state Ima be in yet!

mjslady <@carookee.com> wrote:
body, p, td { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;}Hey all,

I'm looking for fans from Dallas so we can go to the court in Jan. together. If you're from Dallas and planning to go please e-mail me at:var m = String.fromCharCode(109,97,105,108,116,111)+':';var e = 'Xscapewithmj'+String.fromCharCode(64)+'yahoo'+String.fromCharCode(46)+'com';document.writeln(''+e+''); Xscapewithmj@yahoocom


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