Miriams Familienkiste - Ebayverkäufe / Flohmarkt

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

This is the Postfix program at host rudi.team.urbia.com.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

For further assistance, please contact

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the message returned below.

The Postfix program

<[email protected]>: user unknown. Command output: _k: Mailbox does not exist _

<[email protected]>: user unknown. Command output:
1ef.22d01ecd.2df9f70e: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: billing: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: christian.krug:
Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: gb: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: ik: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: katrin_lange2001:
Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
markus.schuettenhassen: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: mary_poppins_rub:
Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.1: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.2.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.27: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.2: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.41: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.42: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.67: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.7.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.70.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.7: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.70: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.8.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.85: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.86.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.8: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.91: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.96.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output:
miriams.98.6f8aeba0103017: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.98: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams.9: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: miriams: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: n-mail: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: noltemeyer: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: port: Mailbox does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: rainer.erbe: Mailbox
does not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: ren-admin: Mailbox does
not exist _

: user unknown. Command output: rodrig: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: smoeller: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: system: Mailbox does not
exist _

: user unknown. Command output: turn-mail: Mailbox does
not exist _