Sunrise Avenue
So jetzt ist es soweit: es gibt nen Sunrise Avenue Thread
Die Band hat mich am Samstag so überzeugt, dass sie auf jeden Fall nen eigenen Thread verdient haben Ich bin jetzt noch ganz geflashed.
Hier mal ein Blog-EIntrag von Samu:
Added: 19.07.2010 Samu
I am on my way home after a super fantastic show in Frankfurt. It was one of the REWE family shows and today, I must say, it was super cool. Weve done 2 of them before and the one in Hamburg was very good but one week ago in Munich everything went wrong. The whole system supporting us on stage (the stuff we hear etc.) was just f*cked up and fixed totally wrong and we even had to cut down the set because I would have lost my ears. I felt so sorry for the folks in Munich who had dragged their asses over there in the HEAT. But with these problems theres nothing you can do.
Today was super great. The only little downside was the Sun shining directly on stage and I almost fainted a couple of times when I sang a longer ending to the chorus ( in diamonds for example) but the whole show was super fun. The Rewe shows are a lot of fun also because there are so many new faces along with the super sweet angels who come to our shows time after time. Its so cool to see this 35 year YOUNG guy first checking us out with a little skeptic look in his eyes, and after three songs he claps his hands a bit- And in the end he screams Put your hands on me That makes me happy!
I was all over Central Europe last week. After the show in Munich, I rented a car (a BMW of course and I saw Salzburg, Innsbrck, Lake Garda, Lugano, Como, Zurich, a bit of Southern France and a lot of Germany. Its so cool to drive more than 200 Km/h, we cant do that in my stupid country with their stupid speed rules ;(
Anyway, even though the summer has been super hot, its just amazing how beautiful our continent is. Of course it helps a bit when the weather is as it is but here is one damn proud European Citizen. My plans getting a flat in Germany are one step further. Its just so hard to choose the city. Hamburg is still on top of the list.
Im gonna be home only for two days. Tomorrow is a gym & relaxing day after eating all the pizzas & cookies & candy on the road and on Monday I will go to Mr. Jukka Immonens studio finalizing our first production Hollywood Hills. I got a good feeling about the guy and our work. We will see. Its funny now that I havent had any instruments with me for a week; my head is full of ideas. Its good to have a break from everything every now and then. I must admit that my life has been pretty Sunrise Avenue focused the last 6 months. And now the batteries are a bit more recharged again.
On Tuesday we will fly to Greece to continue our Amita Motion tour in Thessaloniki. The last trip to Partra (Greece) was super cool and super relaxing and I am sure this will be fun too. Then after hanging out in Greece for 3 days ( I guess) we will fly to Germany (dunno where) for a day off and for a show on Saturday. On the day off we will have the first Songs of album 3 meeting with the guys, There are already about 20 songs to choose from and more are coming. I have a very good feeling about the next step. I heard there could be a big tour in March-May 2011 if all goes well with the project and a if we can make the release happen early 2011. Now we just gotta work hard and follow our hearts with the musical decisions.
My friend & colleague Mr. Mikko Saukkonen has had my baby car for the week and I am a little bit worried how she is doing. Not Mikko, The car! It must be this feeling when you have babies and they have been at grandmas place for a week
Soon we will VROOOOOOM together again. Top down <3 <3 <3 LOL LOL OMG BMW
Thank you so much everyone for today. You made me really happy today. Again.
See you all soon,
PS: If you have iPhone, iPad or whatever apple product, please try the Agry Birds game. Its sooooo damn great!!!!!!! Jaaaahuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! I have passed most of the fields with 3 stars (maximum). Ok, I got some help from my personal game assistant on some of the harder ones, but check it out anyway
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