Das Forum für alle Rollenspieler - Kreatives

Mal was von mir

Mal was von mir

Paper in the wind

Walkin' in the middle of the street at night
smilin' right in the face of your old friend named darkness.
Feelin' free like a bird, free to fly away high into the sky.
Lookin' around in the darknes, only broken by the shine of the lamps standin' beside the street.
Lookin' around, seein' no people, no cars, no faces, no souls.
Only you and your friends, called darknes and wind. Last of them strokin' your skin with his fingers, cold but tenderly.
Feelin' like everything on this world doesnt' exist.
Feelin' like only this Moment is real.

Walkin' beside the street at day.
Feelin' the warm sunshine that comes down from the cloudless blue heaven at your skin.
Lookin aound and seein' the life at this place on the world.
Seein' the cars, the people, theyr faces and lookin' right through their eyes into their
souls but seein' nothin'.
Feelin' like walkin through a false reality.
Feelin the payne deep in your heart, missin' your friends, darkness and wind.
Wantin' to stop your steps and shout it all out.
Wantin' to run, away right into the nothing of lonelyness.
back to your friends, called darkness and wind.

by Lone Wolf

Wer sich zum Schaf macht, wird vom Wolf gefressen.

So gut man einen Wolf auch füttert, er wird immer nach dem Wald schielen.