HexenZauber - die Welt der Hexen und andere Kulte.....




Chants, diese kurzen Lieder mit ein paar Textzeilen, die fast jeder von uns kennt. Sie können wunderbar im Ritual verwendet werden um Atmosphäre zu schaffen, um den Göttern zu huldigen, oder um sich vorzubereiten.
Viele Hexen lieben diese Lieder einfach wegen ihrer einprägsamen Melodien und meditieren damit, legen sie zum entspannen ein und, und, und...

Ich habe einige Chants für euch gesammelt, die ich schön finde. Ihr Ursprung, und ich spreche nicht von derne Ursprung im Netz, sondern von ihrer Herkunft, ist mir leider unbekannt. Ich hoffe ich verletze keine Copyrights wenn ich die Texte hier frei zugänglich mache. Sollte es doch so sein, sendet bitte ein Mail an mich, daß ich den betroffenen Text löschen kannt...

May the Circle be Open
May the circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry meet, and merry part,
And merry meet again

Hecate, Cerridwen
Hecate, Cerridwen,
dark mother take us in,
Hecate, Cerridwen,
let us be reborn

Earth my Body
Earth my Body
Water my Blood
Air my Breath and...
Fire my Spirit

We All Come From the Goddess 1
We all come from the Goddess
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean

Hoof and Horn
Hoof and horn
Hoof and horn
All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain
Corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again

Goddess Chant
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate
Demeter, Kali, Inanna


We All Come From the Goddess 2
We all come from the Goddess
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean
Hoof and Horn
Hoof and horn
Hoof and horn
All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain
Corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again

By Z. Budapest (1971)

The Earth, The Air
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water
Return, return, return, return,


Ancient Mother
Ancient Mother, I hear you calling
Ancient Mother, I hear your song
Ancient Mother, I hear your laughter
Ancient Mother, I taste your tears

The Earth is our Mother
The earth is our mother
We must take care of her
The earth is our mother
We must take care of her

Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon
Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon

Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take
Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take

Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon
Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon

The earth is our mother
She will take care of us
The earth is our mother
She will take care of us

Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon
Hey, yona, ho yona, hey yon, yon

Triple Goddess Chant
Holy Maiden Huntress Artemis, Artemis. Maiden, Come To Us
Silver Shining Wheel Of Radiance, Radiance. Mother, Come To Us
Ancient Queen Of Wisdom, Hecate, Hecate. Old One, Come To Us


The Ocean Is The Beginning
The Ocean Is The Beginning Of The Earth. The Ocean Is The Beginning Of The Earth. All Life Comes From The Sea. All Life Comes From The Sea.

By Delaney Johnson & Starhawk On Chants-Ritual Music tape 


We Are a Circle
We are a circle,
Within a circle,
With no beginning,
And never ending

Air I Am
Air I am,
Fire I am,
Water, Earth and
Spirit I am

We all come from the Goddess 3

We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain;
Flowing to the Ocean.

We all come from the Horned One;
And to Him we shall return
Like a flash of light;
Shining from a fiery storm.

Hoof and Horn! Hoof and Horn!
All that die shall be reborn!
Corn and Grain! Corn and Grain!
All that fall shall rise again!

The River is flowing
The river is flowing,
flowing and growing,
the river is flowing,
down to the sea.
Mother earth carry me,
your child I will always be,
mother earth carry me,
down to the sea.


Wer die schlechten Zeiten nicht übersteht, wird die guten
nie erleben!