11.11.11 - Malta
Ihr Lieben,
Jonette Crowley ist auf Malta mit einer Gruppe von Menschen und lädt uns alle ein, uns mit ihr/ihnen zu verbinden.
Mein English ist nicht ausreichend, um das zu übersetzen, was sie schreibt, aber vielleicht fühlt Ihr einfach mal rein - die Reisebeschreibungen sind ja eh unwichtig, der obere Teil reicht glaube ich aus.
- Zitat:
Here is what Jonette's guide, White Eagle had to say about Malta... This date is a day of doorways opening, taking the Solstice Initiation from the Great Pyramid 2010 and making it more physical; opening portals at high frequencies that have been closed. The doorways of 11/11 make these portals accessible and physical to earthlings; grounding the highest spiritual energies into this time and place. The reason you are being called to Malta, with its Atlantean history is that there will be healing of the black energies of Atlantis and a reclaiming of sovereignty over meddling and negative ET forces." "Ashtatara (the Goddess of Atlantis), Isis, Sekhmet (the lion goddess of Egypt), and other faces of the divine female will be invoked to bring a stronger presence into Earth. It is a re-dedication of humanity to the principles of Light and Balance. This will create a stronger experience of Light infused matter known as the plasma state of consciousness. Many will be invited to this activation. The spirals of time will appear to run forward and backward." |
ICH BIN der ICH BIN, Meister der Neuen Energie, Facilitator, Impulsegeber, Mentor, Tier-Professional - http://aah-ha.de "All is well in all of creation!"