Shonen-Ai Board - Allgemeines

Quizzies ^^

Quizzies ^^

^Kennt ihr quizzies, wo man erstmal Fragen beantworten muss und dann hinterher was herauskommt. Ich lieb die Dinger!
Die meisten sind zwar auf englisch, aber let´s have fun!

Which Yaoi Series Are You?

Das kam bei mir raus:

Your series is Zetsuai 1989, also known as Bronze. A discourse on love - jealous love, unconditional love, and, of course, desperate love - it is the story of Izumi Takuto, who comes across an unconscious man on his way home and takes him in, only to discover it's the famous rock singer Nanjo Koji. This is the ultimate yaoi-angst series, complete with blood, tears, cruel family members, orphans, and a jrocker in hotpants. Due to its extreme amounts of angst, Zetsuai polarizes its audience - half roll their eyes or laugh their asses off, the other half memorize the script and break into sobs every time the Christmas Eve scene rolls around. Either way Zetsuai is sure to be a worthwhile 60 minutes of amusement.

85 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 627 times.
14% of people had this result.

Zetsuai, da bin ich mehr als zufrieden. Ist immer noch eine meiner Lieblingsserien. Allerdings war ich mit dem Schluß nicht ganz zufrieden.

~~~Das Leben fliesst...ich bin gespannt wohin!~~~
Auch bitte bei mir einmal klicken!! ^-^



Re: Quizzies ^^

*diese Tests lieb*

Your series is Yami no Matsuei (also known as Descendants of Darkness). It's unusual to find a series that can have angst, terror, sparkles, and cuteness all in one scene, but Yami no Matsuei pulls it off nicely. This is the story of the members of the Ju Oh Chou "Shinigami" (literally "gods of death") assigned to deal with souls as they enter the afterlife, allowing for supernatural twists in the script. It has an excellent plot, but it's the characters that are the true gem of this series - quiet Hisoka, bipolar Tsuzuki, and, of course, the creepy serial rapist murderer Muraki. There are plenty of cute moments to be had, but it is angst that drives this series - angst, obsession, and all other vestiges the trauma a serial rapist murderer can inflict. Recommended to every fan out there, so long as you don't easily have nightmares about rape - Muraki is a creepy, twisted man.

59 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 628 times.
9% of people had this result.

Nja, okay...~vieleicht nicht ganz so

Na hey!
Ich liebe nur dich, also bin ich deins. Und ich werde immer dich lieben, vergess das nicht, ja?

Weißt du auch...was du da sagst oder ist das die Müdigkeit?

Re: Quizzies ^^

Ja, das macht total viel Spaß...
Es gibt auch eine Seite auf deutsch, die ziemlich viele davon anbietet. Ich weiß gerade den Link nich...

Fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

Re: Quizzies ^^

Ja, ich liebe diese Quizzes auch. Wenn ihr noch mehr gute kennt freue ich mich wenn ihr sie hier postet!

Love Mode
Your series is Love Mode, a collection of stories

surrounding various couples, all in some way

connected to the Blue Boy dating club for gay

men. This is one of the better fun-romance

yaoi series out there if you like amusing

characters, light comedy, a little angst, and

short, feisty ukes. The characters are loved

and get plenty of lovin', but be warned - the

author, Shimizu Yuki, uses rape as a plot

point frequently. Sappy romance this may be,

but those who don't like the "I've been

hurt make it better" rape-scenario will

agree it's not as lighthearted as it presents


Which Yaoi Series Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Re: Quizzies ^^

Your series is Fake by Sanami Matoh, the story of Ryo and Dee, two NYPD detectives, and their developing relationship. If you like a solid plot, uniquely developed characters, a good laugh, just enough angst to add tension, and mysteries/thrillers, this is your diamond in the rough. However, Sex in the City this is not. Fake is famous for it's UST - Unresolved Sexual Tension - in other words there's enough innuendo to drown in, but when it comes to anything more there's some problem or distraction, again and again, until you want to throw something at the couple and yell for them to just get together already. This is the ideal for anyone who prefers storyline with a side of romance.

Fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

Re: Quizzies ^^

un hier da pic...

Fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

1127099222_fake.jpg (45 kByte, 500 x 336 Pixel)

Re: Quizzies ^^

das hat er bei mir ausgespuckt

Your series is Fake by Sanami Matoh, the story of

Ryo and Dee, two NYPD detectives, and their

developing relationship. If you like a solid

plot, uniquely developed characters, a good

laugh, just enough angst to add tension, and

mysteries/thrillers, this is your diamond in

the rough. However, Sex in the City this is

not. Fake is famous for it's UST -

Unresolved Sexual Tension - in other words

there's enough innuendo to drown in, but when

it comes to anything more there's some

problem or distraction, again and again,

until you want to throw something at the

couple and yell for them to just get together

already. This is the ideal for anyone who

prefers storyline with a side of romance.

Which Yaoi Series Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

"ich bin schwul und das ist auch gut so" - Klaus Wowereit, regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin


als mitglied vom streetteam muss man ja auch werbung machen

Re: Quizzies ^^

Hier ist noch ein anderes:

What is your anime look?!%3F!%20PICS!%20GREAT%20ONES!/

Mein Ergebnis:

you have a goth look. you love the color black and you love to be alone. it makes you happy.

148 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 330 times.
45% of people had this result.

Boah, so möcht ich echt mal aussehen Neeee, soviel schwarz hab isch gar nicht.

~~~Das Leben fliesst...ich bin gespannt wohin!~~~
Auch bitte bei mir einmal klicken!! ^-^



Re: Quizzies ^^

Ich hab unten genanntes....
passt irgendwie auch nicht

you have the look of love. you are always gaising off into space thinking about your loved one. you are a very romantic person.

Bitte kein kommentar zum pic...

Fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

1138748334_ormal_AA_7.jpg (21 kByte, 288 x 400 Pixel)

Re: Quizzies ^^

bei mir kam auch FAKE raus

Man kann im Leben auf vieles verzichten, aber nicht auf Katzen und Literatur!