Simple Plan Forum - Good Charlotte

Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

hier könnt ihr dann halt auch Bilder von JOEL und BENJI posten!!!







die sind einfach nur GEIL!!!!;)

We`re the tears in your eyes
We`re the blood in your veins
We`re the beat of your hearts
We`re the sewat on your face
We`re the ones that you chase
We`re the promise that you made
We`re the voice in your head
We`re the lies that you said
We`re the kids that you pushed away
We`re are....

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

Des zweite Bild is einfach nur upper cute^^

Und wenn ich Bilder von session@aol sehen, kann ich einfach nur lachen, zumal ich des fast jeden tag gucke *lol* es macht einfach abhängig...

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Proud Member of the Vacation-Club

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

@matt hast ne coole signatur!

So jetzt will ich aber auch mal en paar GC Bilder Posten!

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

benji02.jpg (28 kByte, 480 x 360 Pixel)

benji11.jpg (39 kByte, 281 x 400 Pixel)

benji55.jpg (20 kByte, 450 x 317 Pixel)

benji88.jpg (35 kByte, 204 x 250 Pixel)

nutcracker2004_02.jpg (17 kByte, 248 x 421 Pixel)

nutcracker2004_07.jpg (17 kByte, 248 x 421 Pixel)

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

Naja, naja, ich mag gc nich so...

seit dem Komment: "man muss sich ja der pop-scene anpassen!"

Aber ihre musiQ is toll :'D

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

*lol* das war grad komisch ausgedrückt naja ich mag gc nicht so , so nach dem motto der pop music anpassen, aber ihr music stil is cool *g*  ;-)  aber wir wissen was du meinst *g*

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

LOL...ja, ich weiß, aber kA... >.<'

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

ich find sie hammer geil!vorallem Joel lol

We`re the tears in your eyes
We`re the blood in your veins
We`re the beat of your hearts
We`re the sewat on your face
We`re the ones that you chase
We`re the promise that you made
We`re the voice in your head
We`re the lies that you said
We`re the kids that you pushed away
We`re are....

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

ah ich finde Benji am geilsten *fg*

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

jaa der is aucvh geil aber joel is nen ganz kleinen ticken hotter *g*

We`re the tears in your eyes
We`re the blood in your veins
We`re the beat of your hearts
We`re the sewat on your face
We`re the ones that you chase
We`re the promise that you made
We`re the voice in your head
We`re the lies that you said
We`re the kids that you pushed away
We`re are....

Re: Joel und Benji Madden Bilder

naja... ich versteh nit wieso alle benji tolla finden ô.o

joeL is kuhLa x)

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_