Simple Plan Forum - Videos

Fav Vid

Fav Vid

also mein fav-vid ist auf jedn perfect, sch0n weil es des tollste lied von sp is, aber das vid is giniaL

aber des zweit geilste vid is dann mal i'm just a kid... sooo geiL...loL...

& was sagt ihr? ;]

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Fav Vid

ich finde des addicted video geil und des Untitled Video is auch hammer geil. Perfect finde ich eigendlich auch schön, und I`m Just a Kid is voll lustig!

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

Re: Fav Vid

ich mag untitled und i'm just a kid

"First of all. You see that fridge there? Yep. That's goin' down. You see that painting over there? Yep. Uh huh. Those are goin' down. You see uh that fan right there? That's goin' down. Do you see this arcade right over there? Guess what? Goin' down. You see that set of stairs? That's stayin' there. Sorry!"

Re: Fav Vid

ja, stimmt, untitled is au sch0n...

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Fav Vid

shut up ist nicht schlecht

Re: Fav Vid

Ja, sch0n, aber kA...nich so besonders, auch wenn sie in den Vid t0ll aussehen ^^

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Fav Vid

ich finde irgendwie die alten videos wie z.B. Addicted,I`´m Just a Kid und I do anything sind irgendwie rockiger , findet ihr nicht?

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

Re: Fav Vid

rockiger... weiß nicht... ich find alle toll x'D

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_

Re: Fav Vid

Also mein fav vid? Boah schwere Frage aber ich denke mal I'm just a kid... weil dieses Vid is einfach nur zu genial...

Was ich immer sehr lustig finde, is wenn Pat nach jedem Videodreh meint, des des Vid des beste is was sie je gedreht haben *lol*

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Re: Fav Vid

aber des video von I Dont wanna think about you is auch hammer geil

This is who I am
and this is what I like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
I'll be at the show
I could never find a better place to go
Until the day I die I promise I won't change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up

Re: Fav Vid

genau alle sin toll, aber ich will uuuuuuuuuunbedingt die dvd ham -.-

I'm _s o r r y_


i _c a n ' t_ be

_p e r f e c t_