Sky - Guild Skycatcher

hlymzik says "Hallöuu"

hlymzik says "Hallöuu"

Hi! Eh.. what should I write about me? Ok, ok some basic things ^^

I'am 18 years old (yeah! I got driving license half year ago =P) For now I live in Finland. There's place named Tornio on the border with Sweden. About 4 years ago I lived in Russia - my motherland. Now I'am studing for an architect (almost) and at the same time I'am second-year studentat the secondary school. Ehh X) Are you bored already?

My first mmorpg was R.O.S.E. Online. Now you need to pay for playing, but some time ago it was in beta-testing and free for playing for a long time.

Thats all.

P.S. Sry for mistakes ^^


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Re: hlymzik says "Hallöuu"

hi !!

Welcome to the Guild Skycatcher and also to this forum

i hope u will have some fun with us

cu then and write here ore online if u have any question

Re: hlymzik says "Hallöuu"

I want and I became Psykeeper =) Any help is welcome


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