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Parts of sets, that I have.

Parts of sets, that I have.

There's parts of sets, that I have:

  1. Cylos Gauntlet (Female) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 136-138
  2. Cylos Helmet (Female) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 83-86
  3. Comet Boots (Male) Mercenary lvl 30  D.R. 105-107
  4. Sorain Helmet (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 66-69
  5. Sorain Helmet (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 66-69 /// +3
  6. Sorain Boots (Male) Magician lvl 30  D.R. 94-95 /// +3
  7. Miragle Boots (Female) Acrobat lvl 30  D.R. 94-96
  8. Hyper Gauntlet (Female) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197  /// Rented by Flory
  9. Cruiser Boots (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 150-153
  10. Cruiser Boots (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 150-153
  11. Cruiser Gauntlet (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197
  12. Cruiser Gauntlet (Male) Acrobat lvl 45  D.R. 194-197
  13. Layered Helmet (Male) Acrobat lvl 30  D.R. 78-81
  14. Stinger Helmet (Female) Acrobat lvl 15  D.R. 46-48
  15. Flury Helmet (Female) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 113-115
  16. Flury Gauntlet (Female) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 184-186 /// STR+ (+4)
  17. Sayram Helmet (Female) Assist lvl 30  D.R. 71-73
  18. Wedge Helmet (Male) Assist lvl 45  D.R. 113-115
  19. Talin Boots (Male) Assist lvl 30  D.R. 89-91
  20. Sardine Helmet (Male) Assist lvl 15  D.R. 41-43
  21. Sardine Gauntlet (Male) Assist lvl 15  D.R. 68-70

There is just good equip:

If you need something of things above, write me in forum or in game (hlymzik -Mushpoie)


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Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

Hey! Let's give parts of/full sets for rent ? especially lower lvl sets ?

Do anyone have set for assist for lvl 15?


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Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

I don't, but you could afford it. o.o

It's really cheap.

Name: LadyLydia
Level: 65
Fame Points: 395
Server: Mushpoie
Channel usually on: 3-3

Friends are friends that help, not fighting tools. Without friends you're nothing.

Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

Heh, now I need set for lvl 30

Hmm.. may be set is cheap, but I have no so much money My assist is using LOTS of refreshers  and they cost...


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Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

me too, but for Female assist

I know, my english is very bad.

Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

I can give you No.13, helmet for lvl 30 assist Female


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Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

thx ^^ but I have it already, I need just suit

I know, my english is very bad.

Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

Dear high lvls plz dont sell: Vin Suit; Vin Gauntlets; Vin Helmet and Vin Boots

P.S. Now I need Flury Set

I know, my english is very bad.

Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

I don't actually need any set...but I would sell my Flury Helmet and Flury boots that I found...I'm keeping it in my bank.

I also sold some green set parts last week (Hyper boots, Hyper helmet, cruiser boots, Sayram Helmet)

But I still have Flury and Shuran Gaunlets.

Name: LadyLydia
Level: 65
Fame Points: 395
Server: Mushpoie
Channel usually on: 3-3

Friends are friends that help, not fighting tools. Without friends you're nothing.

Re: Parts of sets, that I have.

UPDATED (first message)

I'am think of payment for renting those things.. will it be good thing ?


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