Dark age of Camelot Spartans - Gallant Spartiate Inn



i thoguht i would start this thread and we can all get to know each other,

im 24 a graduate in politics and now doing my masters in international relations.
im originally from scotland but now live in manchester, england :))

Re: Vanila

We had that on other forum, but that was lost.
If anyone dont want to write again, copy paste it ;-)

I am Tobs/Tobashi from Germany, 36 years old, and work at Volkswagen in Wolfsburg. I have played german beta and 6 months from that, but at some point changed to other games.
As i heard about classic servers (without TOA), i decided to join again, and MUCH has changed till i last played. So still learning a bit, but most is common now. My chars are Churi (48.5 BD, retired) and Serenas (50 WL, main char). If i have enough time and dont find groups i will perhaps make a healer, but dont really like to level from 1 to 50 again, even that it goes MUCH quicker then in good old times with malmo...
In old times i was guildleader of hammerfall, midgard/avalon, but decided never to lead a guild again, cause it is much pressure and few rewards. So comfort Tsol *gg* But he decided to promote me to officer, so i still think i have some responsibilities *sigh*

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one...

Re: Vanila


im Shaun from Coventry in england, ive played daoc since way back when and have played on the us servers aswell as the euros, im a forklift driver so work nights cos thats where the best cash is for me, so im often on at funny times, loggin in at 4 am and the such.

im married 2 kids and am 27, think that prolly covers most of it ... oh... i am a handsome fella to btw :P

see u all in guild !!!!

Re: Vanila

Hi guys.

I'm Gummi Freyr from Iceland, I'm 21 years old and i really need tips how to get my gf to play daoc :D

yes, think thats it about me :P

PS. I dont live in a snowhouse ;)