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 I dont know Germany.And I cant find Timo's Wallpaper. Can u help me ?

Re: wallpaper

Are you looking for sth special?

Re: wallpaper

sth special ? I am looking for Timo Hildebrand wallpapers

Re: wallpaper

Good morning Dogan, you can find wallpapers on www.timo-hildebrand.de (start - fan-ecke - downloads)  or on www.timo-hildebrand.de.tc (media - wallpaper).


Re: wallpaper

thank you , DANKE :P

Re: wallpaper

Do you speak German? 

Re: wallpaper

 no :)  I know just few words .my mother teach me she is a german teacher.

Re: wallpaper

Danke das du meine Seite erwähnt hast!!!

Re: wallpaper

Gern geschehen, kann man schließlich auch über den Link in deinem Profil hingelangen 

Re: wallpaper

please speak english 

Re: wallpaper

Okay. Kathrin thanked me for the reference to her homepage  

Re: wallpaper

ohh, ok