TimoAngel.de.vu exclusiv Lounge - Newbie



Hey everybody!!!

I'm sorry, but I have to write this in English cos i just can't speak German.

I hope that doesn't matter...

My name's Ashley, I'm from Los Angeles, California in the US and I'm a real big Timo fan.

You know I'm not the only one,
But I'm the only one you know...

Re: Ashley

why you are timo fan? it´s cool! (ohei! i don´t speak english very well, i hope it´s ok!!)


Re: Ashley

Well, I'm very interested in soccer and I often watched Bundesliga matches with my brothers and then I saw him and just became a fan...

You know I'm not the only one,
But I'm the only one you know...

Re: Ashley

ah    sorry but it isn´t so normal (?!?)


Re: Ashley

maybe...I don't really know, it just was like that...

You know I'm not the only one,
But I'm the only one you know...

Re: Ashley

ah it´s ok! but a little bit funny


Re: Ashley

yea , I know, sounds a bit strange...

You know I'm not the only one,
But I'm the only one you know...