Bomb Defuse/Plant Script
- This script will help you to defuse or plant the bomb with one klick. As CT you will duck and defuse and as T you will duck, take out the C4 and plant it. Within doin' your job you will announce it to your team via teamsay and radio message ("Need Backup" and "NEED BACKUP! I'm planting/defusing the BOMB!!")
- Build a new *.txt file, name it "defuplan.cfg" and put the following lines in:
// Bombplant & Defuse-Script
alias +plant "+duck;weapon_c4;r3;ms3;wa2;cl;say_team ->> NEED BACKUP! I'm planting/defusing the BOMB!! <<- ; wait; +attack; +use"
alias -plant "cl; -attack; -use; -duck"
- bind any key to "+plant"
For example
bind "KP_DEL" "+plant"
- Put the folling line into your autoexec.cfg
exec defuplan.cfg
NOTICE: This script requires the following scripts:
- Menu
- Radio
- Waits
.-=|team-BBQ|=-. Born to Grill